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Memorial Circle
(Administration building of Texas Tech University)

Gallery of Texas Tech Presidents



Lubbock /  Gallery of Texas Tech Presidents   Lubbock /  Gallery of Texas Tech Presidents


In the breezeway of the Administration Building hang thirteen plaques with relief portrait and curriculum vitae of the thirteen presidents of Texas Tech University:
  1. Paul Whitfield Horn (Boonville MO 1870-Lubbock TX 1932), 1923-1932
  2. Bradford Knapp (Vinton, IA, 1870-1938), 1932-1938 (Wikipedia).
  3. Clifford Bartlett Jones (Rico CO 1886-.. 1972), 1938-1944
  4. William Marvin Whyburn, 1944-1948
  5. Dossie Marion Wiggins, 1948-1952
  6. Edward Newlon Jones, 1952-1959
  7. Robert Cabiness Goodwin, 1960-1966
  8. Grover Elmer Murray (Maiden NC 1916-Lubbock 2003), 1966-1976 (Wikipedia).
  9. Maurice Cecil Mackey (*Montgomery AL, 1929), 1976-1979 (Wikipedia).
  10. Lauro Fred Cavazos (*Kingsville TX 1927), 1980-1988 (Wikipedia).
  11. Robert William Lawless, 1989-1996 (unveiled 2001)
  12. Donald R. Haragan, 1996-2000 (unveiled 2006)
  13. David J. Schmidly, 2000-2002 (unveiled 2 Oct 2009) (Wikipedia).


Left Right
first president
texas technological college
1923 - 1932

a graduate of central college in his native
missouri, paul horn was houston public
schools superintendent and president of
southwestern university before being elected tech's first
president november 22, 1923. he hired the first faculty, planned
the first buildings and designed a curriculum emphasizing both
technical and liberal arts. he is regarded as "the architect of
texas tech". his promotion of the new college encouraged 914
students to enroll opening day in september 1925, exceeding
all expectations. his administration was marked by an overriding
concern for the welfare of the student. he died in office
on april 13, 1932.

eighth president
texas tech university
1966 - 1976

grover murray was educated in his native
north carolina and at louisiana state
universitsy. he presided over tech's greatest
expansion, including the founding of the law and medical
schools, college of education, icasals, ranching heritage center
and the center at junction. the number of doctoral degrees
awarded increased 500 percent during his administration.
more than 17 major structures, including the museum, were
completed. in 1969 the college became texas tech university.
an internationally known petroleum geologist, he served
twelve years on the national science foundation board.
after resigning, he was named university professor.

second president
texas technological college
1932 - 1938

son of prominent agriculturalist seaman
knapp, bradford knapp earned a bachelor
of science at vanderbilt and a law
degree at the university of michigan, before coming to tech.
he was president of oklahoma a&m and alabama polytechnic
institute. knapp's law training was invaluable as he worked
with the texas legislature to prevent discontinuation of
tech's agricultural and technical programs. despite major
funding cuts, knapp secured wpa fundings for the college's
first two dormitories and state funding for a new library
building. enrollment grew to more than 3,000, making tech the
third largest state school. knapp died in office june 11, 1938.

ninth president
texas tech university
1976 - 1979

an alabama native, cecil mackey came to
tech from the presidency of the university
of south florida. an economist, he held a
university of alabama bachelor's degree and law and doc-
toral degrees from the university of illinois. he introduced
intensive reviews of academic units, stressed long range
planning and initiated procedures for more efficient man-
agement and use of resources. during his term enrollment
exceeded 22,000; eleven important buildings were begun or
completed; computer facilities were upgraded; and the medical
school received full accreditation. he resigned to become
president of michigan state university.

third president
texas technological college
1938 - 1944

businessman, banker, ranch manager and
mostly self-educated, "the cowboy who
became president", clifford b. jones worked
to establish tech in 1923 and was closely linked to the
institution until his death in 1972, he served on its first
board of directors and as board chairman 1927-38. as
president he obtained for tech full accreditation, established
a faculty council, secured tech's first research appropriation,
helped initiate the tech foundation, reorganized the athletic
program and coordinated use of the campus for military
training. the football stadium, built in 1947, was named to
honor jones and his wife, audrey.

tenth president of
texas tech university
1980 - 1988

with b.a. (1949) and m.a. (1951) degrees
from texas tech, lauro cavazos
became the first alumnus to serve as
president. born on the famed king ranch, he earned a
ph.d. in physiology from iowa state in 1954. after a 24-
year career at tufts university in boston, he returned
to texas tech in 1980 and spearheaded efforts to improve
external relations. he launched the university's first
major capital campaign and increased alumni chapters
from 7 to 75. enrollment exceeded 24,600 during his tenure.
he resiged to become u.s. secretary of education,
serving under presidents reagan and bush.

fourth president
texas technological college
1944 - 1948

an original tech faculty member, william
whyburn returned at age 42 to become
tech's youngest president and the first to
hold an earned doctorate, awarded by the university of texas.
he improved academic standards, obtained for tech recognition
by the american association of universities, originated an ad
valorem tax concept for higher education and helped found
the century club. returning veterans tripled enrollment,
prompting construction of four dormitories and the use of
twelve temporary structures. he resigned to become kenan
professor of mathematics and department chairman at the
university of north carolina. he died may 5, 1982

eleventh president
texas tech university
1989 - 1996

robert william lawless became the eleventh
president of texas tech university and the
fourth president of texas tech university
health sciences center on july 1, 1989.
previously he served as executive vice
president and chief operations officer for
southwest airlines and held numerous academic and administrative
positions at the university of houston.
dr. lawless spearheaded the enormous growth of the
presidential endowed scholarship program during his tenure at
texas tech. the program offered seven scholarschips to the top
undergraduate students when he arrived and 507 when he left in
1996 to become president of the university of tulsa. the
international cultural center, merket alumni center and
southwest collection/special collections building of the library
were all constructed during his tenure.

fifth president
texas technological college
1948 - 1952

a native of louisiana, d.m. wiggins held
degrees from hardin-simmons and yale. he
served as principal and superintendent in
three texas schools, as dean of education at hardin-
simmons for ten years, and as president of texas western
college for 14 years. his administration at texas tech is
noted for its establishment of doctoral programs and the
graduate school. a sustained building program began and
extensive landscaping projects were developed. he resigned
to enter banking in lubbock where he died september 2, 1978.
the wiggins residence hall complex bears his name.

twelfth president
texas tech university
1996 - 2000

donald r. haragan became the twelfth president
of texas tech university in september 1996 after
serving as interim president for six months. he had
previously served texas tech as executive vice
president and provost, vice president for academic
affairs and research, interim dean and associate
dean of the college of arts and sciences, and chair of the department of
geosciences. he earned degrees in meteorology and engineering from the
university of texas and texas a&m university.
dr. haragan established the university's first undergraduate admission
standards while vice president for academic affairs. he also established
the office of international affairs, university press, office of
institutional research, honors program, university writing center, and
center for teaching, learning and technology. as president, he negociated
the establishment of the staff senate and established regional centers
for texas tech across the state. the texas tech university center in
sevilla, spain opened during his tenure. although he retired from the
presidency in 2000, he returned as interim president in 2002-2003.

sixth president
texas technological college
1952 - 1959

a native kansan, e.n. jones earned his doc-
torate in botany at the university of iowa.
he was dean of arts and sciences at
baylor university and president of texas a&i college before
becoming tech's first vice president (1948). in his presidency,
tech joined the southwest conference (1956); received the
federal license for ktxt-tv; expanded degree programs;
strengthened the southwest collection; and instituted a
computer center. the first tenure policy committee was
named. increased enrollment made tech the state's second
largest college. new buildings included a student center and
five residence halls. jones died march 8, 1984.

thirteenth president
texas tech university
2000 - 2002

david j. schmidly, ph.d., served as the 13th president of
texas tech university, having previously served as vice
president for research, technology transfer and
graduate studies and dean of the graduate school.
he is only the second ttu graduate to serve as the
university's president.
he helped found the institute for environmental and
human health, and greatly increased ttu's federal research grant funding and
graduate enrollment. his recruitment of internationally known coaches and
upgrading of facilities mobilized campus spirit and ushered in a new era of
achievement by ttu's athletic programs. academically, he pioneered collaborative
partnerships with community colleges throughout the state, providing new
gateways of advancement for less privileged students and increasing student
enrollments to record highs. his tenure also saw the creation of new graduate
centers for engineering in abilene and amarillo, academic centers in
fredericksburg and marble falls and new freshman orientation camps at junction.
a highly regarded naturalist, he helped develop a new interdisciplinary degree in
natural history in the honors college and was instrumental in helping expand the
national science research lab.

seventh president
texas technological college
1960 - 1966

a native of brownwood, r.c. goodwin earned
his doctorate at harvard and taught chem-
istry at the university of florida. during
a 37-year career at tech, he was professor and head of the
department of chemistry and chemical engineering, dean of
the graduate division, dean of the college of arts and sci-
ences, vice president for academic affairs, and interim president.
during his administration the state-coordinating board
recognized texas tech as one of four state supported graduate
institutions. graduate and research programs were developed
and an extensive building program was undertaken. enrollment
increased 56 percent to 16,305.


From the Regents' Rules:
  • 12.03 Plaques commemorating ex-chancellors and ex-presidents.
    Ex-chancellors and ex-presidents of the TTU system administration and the component institutions shall be recognized by the permanent installation of plaques noting the contributions of each during the individual's tenure in office. This policy does not apply to interim chancellors or interim presidents. The following guidelines are established for carrying out this tradition.


  • Goodwin, Robert Cabiness
  • Haragan, Donald R.
  • Horn, Paul Whitfield
  • Jones, Clifford Bartlett
  • Jones, Edward Newlon
  • Knapp, Bradford
  • Lawless, Robert William
  • Mackey, Maurice Cecil
  • Murray, Grover Elmer
  • Schmidly, David J.
  • Whyburn, William Marvin
  • Wiggins, Dossie Marion
  • Locatie (N 33°35'0" - W 101°52'28") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: ustx50; Photograph: 11 October 2010
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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