United States

Statues - Hither & Thither

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Rapid City
South Dakota

Main Street / 6th Street
(SW corner)

Mitakuye Oyasin

We are all related

Richard Underbaggage & Dale Lamphere
c. 1994

Rapid City /  Mitakuye Oyasin   Rapid City /  Mitakuye Oyasin


Bronze statue of an Indian head with a turtle, an eagle, a bison and a globe.

The sketch or design was done by Richard UnderBaggage, an enrolled member of the Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. The sculpting for the bronze was done by Dale Lamphier. Jonathan Simons was the director for the project, he organized the placement, location, the artists, production scheduling, zoning regulations, the architects, the financing, etc.


(we are all related)
Takuwan kakanpi kile maḱa sitomni wicaśa tuweke eyaś ohokicilapi kte, na
ob ocinwaśteya onpi kte, na igluonihanpi kte.
Maḱa kile cangleśka selececa heun he iyacinpi.
Cannumpa kaicic'uya kihe Maḱa owancaya wowah'wala kte, na Wanbli Oyate
ki inś wocekiye hoyeyapi ki hena napeiyuze, na wah'upa koze ki hena iyacinpi.
Mat'o ji he woksape ki hena yuha, na wapiyapi kena yuha, na Keya ki he wiconi
hanske kihe iyacinpi.
Tátánka kihe inś wiconi wan waśte ca onk'upi, akih'anpi cola, na nakun Winyan
Wakan wan ptehincala cannumpa wan onk'upi. Ho, Mitakuye Oyas'in.
DC Lamphere
Original Drawing
Richard Under Baggage

(we are all related)
This sculpture represents hope for reconciliation, dignity and
respect for all the human race. The earth itself is in the shape
of a hoop or circle of life. The crossed pipes represent world
peace. The eagle symbolizes all flying creatures, and communication
with Tunka Śila. Wisdom and the healing arts are represented by the
grizzly bear, and a long and productive life is symbolized by the turtle.
The bison reminds us of our ancestors' healthy lifestyles, free from
famine, and also of the White Buffalo Calf Woman who brought us the pipe.
DC Lamphere
Original Drawing
Richard Under Baggage



Locatie (N 44°4'51" - W 103°13'37") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ussd50; Photograph: 20 October 2010  / updated: 1 February 2018
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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