United States

Statues - Hither & Thither

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Lincoln Street
(State Capitol, south entrance)

Irving Hale

North Bloomfield, New York, 1861 - Denver 1930
a brigadier general of the United States of America
artist unknown

Denver /  Irving Hale   Denver /  Irving Hale


Bronze plaque with relief portrait in a laurel wreath with dates 1861-1930 underneath.


valedictorian of
the first class · denver high school · 1877
graduated from united states military academy 1884
with record of 2070.4 out of possible 2075
war with span · colonel 1st colorado infantry u.s.v.
his regiment led the advance in capture of manila
and there raised the first american flag
brigadier general u.s.v. aug. 13, 1898
philippine insurrection · thirteen engagements
wounded meycauayan awarded silver medal for gallantry
in action at calumpit
*   *   *
installed denver's first successful electric stret
railway system 1889
erected 1932 by first colorado infantry u.s.v.


This plaque on the south entrance of the capitol celebrates and memorializes the work and life of one of Colorado's most distinguished military leaders, Colonel Irving Hale. The plaque also honors Hale for his efforts to install Denver's first successful trolley car system in 1889. As the plaque mentions, the astute Hale graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1884 with one of the highest academic records ever attained there. Hale's great educational achievements are not surprising, however, since his father Horace Hale is considered to be the father of Colorado's system of education. Colonel Hale led the Colorado forces during the Spanish-American War to victory at major battles at Manila and Fort San Antonio. In fact, the first American flag to be flown over the defenses at Manila was flown by Colonel Hale's troops. For his courage and leadership President McKinley promoted Hale to the position of Brigadier General.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 39°44'19" - W 104°59'5") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: usco44; Photograph: 17 October 2010
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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