
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Bratislavský kraj

Námestie M.R. Štefánika

Milan Ratislav Štefánik

Košariská 1880 - Ivanka pri Dunaji 1919 in air crash
Slovak politician, diplomat, and astronomer.
General of the French Army and Czechoslovak Minister of War
Bohumil Kafka

Bratislava /  Milan Ratislav Štefánik   Bratislava /  Milan Ratislav Štefánik


Huge (7.4 m) bronze statue of Štefánik with behind a high pylon with the bronze lion holding the coat of arms of Czechoslovakia. On the pylon is a bronze reproduction of the Czechoslovak Declaration of Independence of 30 May 1918.

Bratislava - Milan Ratislav Štefánik Bratislava - Milan Ratislav Štefánik


gen.dr. milan rastislav štefánik
podpredseda národnej rady česko-slovenskej
a prvý minister vojny čsr
General Dr. Milan Rastislav Štefánik
Vice-Chairman of the Czecho-Slovakian National Council
and the first minister of war of Czechoslovakia

pamätník milana rastislava štefánika
znovupostavený pri príležitosti
90. výročia jeho tragickej smrti
ako kópia pôvodného diela
akademického sochára
prof. bohumila kafku z roku 1938
dňa 4. mája 2009

generálny investor:
nadácia milana ratislava štefánika

realizáciu pamätníka podporili:
vláda slovenskej republiky
hlavné mesto sr bratislava
ministerstvo kultúry sr
ministerstvo obrany sr
ballymore eurovea, a.s.
doprastav, a.s. bratislava
nadácia železiarne podbrezová
metrostav, a.s. praha
dsb euro s.r.o. blansko

Memorial of Milan Rastislav Štefánik
Rebuilt on the occasion of the
90th anniversary of his tragic death
as a copy of the original work
by sculptor
prof. Bohumil Kafka in 1938
4 May 2009

General investor:
Milan Rastislav Štefánik Foundation

The implementation of the monument suppprted by:
Government of the Slovak Republic
Capital City of Bratislava
Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Defence
Ballymore Eurovea, Inc.
Doprastav, Inc. Bratislava
Foundation Iron Podbrezová
Metrostav, Inc. Prague
DSB Euro Ltd. Blansko

Signed: realizované v rokoch 2005-2007 podla i/3 modelu bohumila kafku /1933/
(Implemented in 2005-2007 on 1/3 of the model by Bohumil Kafka (1933))


In 1938, a statue of M. R. Štefánik was raised on the present Námestie Ľudovíta Štúra - the site of Maria Theresia's monument, which was destroyed in 1921. The Štefánik statue included also a pylon with the sculpture of a lion holding the state coat of arms. (A lion is the Czech statehood symbol). The sculptor was the prominent Czech sculptor Bohumil Kafka. According to the original design four pillars and four lions should have been there. The lion as a symbol of destroyed Czechoslovakia disappeared in June 1940, the pylon shortly afterwards, Štefanik's statue was pulled down by communists in 1954.
The pylon with the sculpture of a lion holding the state coat of arms was reconstructed at the end of communist era. It was placed close to the Štúr Square, in front of the Slovak National Museum. The Lion is considered to be the symbol of the Czecho-Slovak mutuality. In 2009 the Lion was moved in front of new building of Slovak National Theater, where it wa joined again with a copy of Kafka's Štefanik statue.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 48°8'23" - E 17°7'23") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: skbr045; Photograph: 5 September 2012
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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