Bronze statue, a new cast of the 1979 statue in Pupin's birthplace Idvor. It is unveiled at the 157th anniversary of his birth on 9 October 2015. Although Pupin never visited Bled, he was made honorary citizin in 1921 for is efforts to add the so-called Jesenice triangle, including Bled, to the Kingdom of Slovens, Croats and Serves in 1919. Since Pupin was also a rower, the statue is placed near the rowing center.
The explaining tablets are in Slovenian, Serbian, and English.
ob obletnici rojstva, 9. 10. 2015, spomenik podarila republika srbija.
izumitelj in človekoljub mihajlo pupin, srbsko-američki fizik,
matematik in elektrotehnik.
zaslužen, da je blejski kot po 1. svetovni vojni ostal del
slovenskega ozemlja.
leta 1921 je postal častni občan občine bled.
проналазач и хуманиста михајло пупин, српско-амерички
физичар, математичар и електроинжењер.
заслужан што је бледски кот после првог светског рата остао
део словеначке територије.
године 1921 је постао почасни грађанин општине блед.
inventor and philanthropist michael pupin, serbian-american
physicist, mathematician and electical engineer
whose efforts ensured that bled remained a part of slovenian
territory after the first world war.
he was declared an honorary citizen of bled in 1921. |
Translation of the first text:
At the anniversary of his birth, 9 October 2015 this monument was donated by the Republic of Serbia.
а. зарин
- Александар Зарин - Aleksandar Zarin (Srpska Crnja 1923 - Beograd 1998),
Serbian sculptor
Sources & Information
Locatie (N 46°22'3" - E 14°5'3") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: si147; Photograph: 11 September 2016
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt
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