
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Ključavničarska ulica



Jakov Brdar

Ljubljana /  Obrazi   Ljubljana /  Obrazi


In the middle of a narrow Ključavničarska (Locksmith) Street is a gutter with 700 bronze bronze castings of different faces. It starts with a column with a hand and a fountain.

Ljubljana - Obrazi Ljubljana - Obrazi Ljubljana - Obrazi
Ljubljana - Obrazi Ljubljana - Obrazi Ljubljana - Obrazi


darilo ljubljani, družba medis družina strnad signature

Information Sign

For readability, the text is not copied in capitals, and is the English text coloured red and the German blue

Jakov Brdar skulptura 'Obrazi' Sculpture 'Faces' Die
Skulptur 'Gesichter'
| Š nikoli mi ni, na primer, stopilov
zavest, koliko obrazov je na svetu. Množica ljudi je, toda
še dosti več je obrazov, zakaj vsakdo jih ima več. So
ljudlje, ki leta in leta nosijo isti obraz, seveda se ta obrab
in umaže, razpoka v gube, raztegne se kot rokavica, ki jo je
kdo nosil na potovanju. R.M. Rilke. Skulpturo 'Obrazi'
sta mestu podarili Družba Medis in družina Strnad
19.12.2009. | To think, for instance, that I have never been
aware before how many faces there are. There are quan-
tities of human beings, but there are many more faces, for
each person has several. There are people who wear the
same face for years; naturally it wears out, it gets dirty
it splits at the folds, it stretches, like gloves one has
worn on a journey. R.M. Rilke. The sculpture 'Faces' was
donated to the city by the Medis Company and the Strnad
| Daß es mir zum Beispiel niemals zum Bewußtsein
gekommen ist, wieviel Gesichter es giebt. Es giebt eine
Menge Menschen, aber noch viel mehr Gesichter, denn
jeder hat mehrere. Da sind Leute, die tragen ein Gesicht
jahrelang, natürlich nutzt es sich ab, es wird schmutzig,
es bricht in den falten, es weitet sich aus wie Handschuhe,
die man auf der Reise getragen hat. R.M. Rilke. Die Skulptur
'Gesichte' haben an der Stadt Unternehmen Medis und
die Familie Strnad gespendet.
Arhitektura Medprostor


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 46°2'58" - E 14°30'21") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: si122; Photograph: 10 September 2016
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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