TrIaDIs sanCtæ
VIrgInIsqVe pIæ In honoreM
CIVes ConstrVXerVnt
VIrtVs honor et gLorIa soLI VnI
aC trIno oMnIpotenti Deo
CVI se faMILIa AVerspergIana
totaLIter sVbDIt et prosternIt
InsIgne hoC pIetatIs opVs
perpetVæ VeneratIonis [!] CaVsa
eXtans pVbLICo obtVLIt CVLtVI
ConstantIa AVerspergIana nata
Ter sanCte DeVs et sanCtIssIMæ
VIrgo retrIbVIte posterItatI
ConstrVCta haeC TrInItatIs
statVa trIgInta IntegrIs annIs
stetIt eX LIgno nVnC eX LapIDe
stabIt aeternItatI
Vsted potresa
močno poškodovano je bilo to znamenje
s prispevki c kr dezelne vlade in mestne
občine ljubljanske popravljeno
in v prejšnji stan postavljeno |
Civilians built this
in honor of the Holy Trinity
and the Virgin
Strength, honor and glory to the one
and three almighty God
and family Auersperg
totally present and adds
this honorable duty
as an eternal veneration
extans public worship offered
by Constantia Auersperg born
Please correct!
Holy Trinity and Holy
Virgin pay for posterity
This Statue of the
Trinity was made thirty years
ago from wood, now from stone
to stay for eternity |
The earthquake of
severely damaged the column
In 1898
with contributions of the provincial government
and the City Municipality of Ljubljana reconstructed
and the previous status restored
Chronogram 1833
Three chronograms:
Lines 1+2 = 1720 or 1721
Lines 3+4 = 1722
Lines 5-9 = 1723 or 1724
In the first and last line the T,
and in the 3rd and 10th line the A,
are incorrectly large.
In the 2nd and 6th line a 'I' is small
Two chronograms:
Lines 1+2 = 1721
Lines 3-7 = 1722
In the 1st and 3rd line the T,
and in the 3rd line the E are incorrectly large