
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Slomškov trg

Aleja velikanov

Avenue of the Greats

Viktor Gojkovič

Maribor /  Aleja velikanov   Maribor /  Aleja velikanov


Four busts of important scholars of Slovenian origin on pedestals in front of the building of the Maribor University, in front of each bust is a metal strip with the name and function of the professor.

Maribor - Aleja velikanov Maribor - Aleja velikanov Maribor - Aleja velikanov Maribor - Aleja velikanov
dr. Fran Miklošič 1813-1891

profesor, vodilni jezikoslovec 19. stoletja

Fran Miklošič (also known in German as Franz Xaver Ritter von Miklosich) (Radomerščak 1813 - Wien 1891), "Professor, leading linguist of the 19th century", professor in Wien (Wikipedia).

Matija Murko 1861-1952

literarni zgodovinar in etnolog

Matija Murko (Drstelja 1861 - Praha 1952), "literary historian and ethnologist" (Wikipedia).

Herman Potočnik Noordung 1892-1929

pionir vesoljske tehnologije

Herman Potočnik (pseudonym Hermann Noordung) (Pula 1892 - Wien 1929), "pioneer of space technology" (Wikipedia).

dr. Pavel Turner 1842-1924

humanist, publicist in narodni buditelj

Pavel Turner (Planici nad Franom 1842 - Maribor 1924), "humanist, publicist and national educator" (Biography).



  • Engineer
  • Ethnologist
  • Gallery of Honor
  • Gojkovič, Viktor
  • Humanist
  • Linguist
  • Miklosich (Miklošič) Franz (Fran) von
  • Murko, Matija
  • Philologist
  • Potočnik Noordung, Herman
  • Turner, Pavel
  • Locatie (N 46°33'32" - E 15°38'36") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: si013; Photograph: 7 September 2016
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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