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Дети - жертвы пороков взрослыхChildren are the victims of adults' vices(Wikipedia) |
Mikhail M. Shemyakin
Polich Tallix (New York) 2001 |
НАРКОМАНИЯ / drug addiction |
ПРОСТИТУЦИЯ / prostitution |
ВОРОВСТВО / theft |
АЛКОГОЛИЗМ / alcoholism |
НЕВЕЖЕСТВО / ignorance |
ЛЖЕУЧЁНОСТЬ / irresponsible science |
РАВНОДУШИЕ / indifference |
ПРОПАГАНДА НАСИЛИЯ / propaganda of violence |
САДИЗМ / sadism |
ДЛЯ БЕСПАМЯТНЫХ... / for those without memory... |
НИЩЕТА / poverty |
ВОЙНА / war |
2 сентября 2001 гола скульптор михаил шемякин архитекторы: вячеслав бухаев, андрей ефимов финансирование «РОСНЕФТЬ» гранит: московский камнеобрабатывающий комбинат бронза: «талликс» нью-йорк (сша) |
2 September 2001 Sculptor Mikhail Shemyakin Architects: Vyacheslav Bukhayev and Andrey Yefimov Financial support: Rosneft Granite: Moscow stone processing plant Bronze: Tallix, New York (USA) |
Mihail Chemiakin is an artist of world reputation. He works in a broad range of media and on various themes from monumental statues to theatrical sceneries and jewelries.
Between 1971 and 1981 Mihail Chemiakin lived and worked in Paris, since 1981 he has been living in New York City. Chemiakin's works of art are in the collections of numerous museums in Europe, the USA, Brazil, Japan and other countries. He created a number of well-known monuments: to Peter the Great (St. Petersburg, 1991; Normandy, 1991; London, 2001), to the Victims of Political Repressions (St. Petersburg, 1995), to the Architects and Builders of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg, 1995), to Giacomo Casanova (Venice, 1998) and others.
A 15-figure sculptural composition Children are the victims of adults' vices is inteded by the author to be an allegory of the fight against the global Evil.
Mihail Chemiakin wrote to his future spectators:
"I created the sculptural composition Children are the victims of adults' vices as a symbol and a call for action to save the living and the future generations. For many years it has been declared and pathetically exclaimed: "Children is our future!" However, it would take volumes to write down all the crimes of the society against children. I, as an artist, call upon you with this work to turn your heads backwards to hear and behold all those sorrows and horrors our children have to suffer nowadays. All sensible and honest people should stop and think before it's too late. Don't be indifferent! Fight and do your best to save Russia's future!"
The sculptural composition Children are the victims of adults' vices is Mihail Chemiakin's gift to the city of Moscow.
financial support by nk oao "rosneft"
The opening ceremony of the sculptural composition took place on the Day of the City of Moscow
on September 2-nd, 2001
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