
Statues - Hither & Thither

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(Fr. de São Vicente)
Lisboa (distrito)

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Largo de São Vicente
(Igreja de São Vicente de Fora)

Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

Statues at the Church of St. Vincent Outside the Walls

17th century

Lisboa /  Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora   Lisboa /  Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora


The church of the monastery of St. Vincent Outside the Walls was built between 1582 and 1629, while other monastery buildings were finished only in the 18th century. The author of the design of the church is thought to be the Italian Jesuit Filippo Terzi and/or the Spaniard Juan de Herrera. The façade, attributed to Baltazar ]lvares, has three niches with statues of saints above the entrance gates and is flanked by two towers, each with two niches with statues of saints. The lower part of the façade has three arches that lead to the galilee (entrance hall), in which is an eighth statue.

Above the entrance gates:

Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

São Vicente / St. Vincent of Saragossa
(d. 304), martyr, patron saint of Lisbon, patron of vintners and vinegar-makers (Wikipedia).

Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

Santo Agostinho / St. Augustine of Hippo
(354 - 430), Bishop of Hippo Regius (present-day Annaba, Algeria), philosopher and theologian; his writings were very influential in the development of Western Christianity (Wikipedia).

Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

São Sebastião / St. Sebastian
(died c. 288), martyr, killed during the Roman emperor Diocletian's persecution of Christians (Wikipedia).

In the towers:

Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

s. brvno
São Bruno de Colônia / Saint Bruno of Cologne
(Köln c. 1027/30 - Serra San Bruno 1101), founder of the Carthusian Order (Wikipedia).

Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

s. antonio
Santo António de Lisboa / St Anthony of Padua
born Fernando Martins de Bulhões, (Lisbon c. 1195 - Padua 1231), priest and friar of the Franciscan Order, known for his preaching and expert knowledge of scripture (Wikipedia).

Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

s. norberto
São Norberto de Xanten / St. Norbert of Xanten
(Xanten c. 1080 - Magdeburg 1134), founder of the Norbertine or Premonstratensian order of canons regular (Wikipedia).

Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

s. domingo
São Domingos de Gusmão / St. Dominic
(Spanish: Domingo), often called Dominic de Guzmán (1170 - 1221), founder of the Friars Preachers, popularly called the Dominicans or Order of Preachers (OP) (Wikipedia).

In the portico:

Lisboa - Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora Lisboa - Estátuas na Igreja de São Vicente de Fora

Santiago Maior / St. James the Greater
(d. 44), one of the Twelve Apostles. Patron saint of pilgrims, soldiers and cavalrymen. Depicted holding a pilgrim's staff decorated with a scallop shell. His remains are in Santiago de Compostela in Galicia (Spain) (Wikipedia).

Sources & Information


  • Anthony of Padua, St.
  • Augustine of Hippo, St.
  • Bruno of Cologne, St.
  • Dominic, St.
  • Façade with statues (church)
  • James the Greater, St.
  • Norbert of Xanten, St.
  • Sebastian, St.
  • Vincent of Saragossa, St.
  • Locatie (N 38°42'53" - W 9°7'41") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: ptli044; Photograph: 29 August 2017
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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