
Statues - Hither & Thither

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(Fr. de Santa Maria Maior)
Lisboa (distrito)

Lisboa (região)

Praça da Figueira

Dom João I de Portugal

King John I of Portugal

Lisboa 1357 - Lisboa 1433
King of Portugal and the Algarve, 1385-1433; recognized chiefly for his role in preserving the independence of the Kingdom of Portugal from the Kingdom of Castile
Leopoldo de Almeida

Lisboa /  Dom João I de Portugal   Lisboa /  Dom João I de Portugal


Bronze equestrian statue representing King John I. On the base are medallions with the effigies of Nuno Álvares Pereira and João das Regras, two key characters in the 1385 Revolution that brought John I to power.

Lisboa - Dom João I de Portugal

d. nun' alvares

Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira, O. Carm. (Paço do Bonjardim or Flor da Rosa 1360 - Lisboa 1431), Portuguese general of great success who had a decisive role in the 1383-1385 Crisis that assured Portugal's independence from Castile. He later became a mystic and was later beatified by Pope Benedict XV, in 1918, and canonised by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009 (Wikipedia).

Lisboa - Dom João I de Portugal

joão das regras

João das Regras, in English, literally John of the Rules (Lisboa 13?? - Lisboa 1404), Portuguese jurist (Wikipedia).


a cidade de lisboa

To Dom John I
The City of Lisbon

Around the pedestal is the text:

rei de portugal pela graça de deus e firmeza de nun' alvares, joão das regras, povo de lisboa e cortes da nação
King of Portugal by the grace of God and firmness of Nun'Alvares, João das Regras, the people of Lisbon and Cortes of the nation


leopoldo de almeida


Sources & Information


  • Country: Portugal
  • Almeida, Leopoldo de
  • Equestrian statue
  • General
  • John I (King of Portugal)
  • Jurist
  • Monarch
  • Pereira, Nuno Álvares
  • Regras, João das
  • Locatie (N 38°42'48" - W 9°8'16") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: ptli013; Photograph: 28 August 2017
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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