
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Évora (distrito)


Avenida Doutor Francisco Barahona

Monumento aos Mortos da Grande Guerra

War Memorial World War I

João da Silva
Augusto d` Abreu (Lisboa)

Évora /  Monumento aos Mortos da Grande Guerra   Évora /  Monumento aos Mortos da Grande Guerra


Bronze statue of Victory, as a winged female figure with a laurel wreath and a sword in her raised arms. The statue stands on a high pedestal, with at the front a large bronze relief with the coat of arms of Évora (a horseman, representing Giraldo sem Pavor), and the text filiis pro patria caesis ebora (Évora the sons fallen for the fatherland).

Évora - Monumento aos Mortos da Grande Guerra

On the sides africa 1914-1928 and frança 1917-1918 At the foot are four sculptures of bombshells.


(statue) joão da silva
gera-perdida Auto d'abreu lisboa

(on the bombshells) FRP

Information Sign

évora - 04 de junho 1933
monumento em homenagem ao
combatente inaugurado por sua
exceléncia o presidente da
república general carmona

Évora - 4 June 1933
Moment to honour the
combatants, inaugurated by his
excellency the President of the
Republic, General Carmona

Évora - Monumento aos Mortos da Grande Guerra



Locatie (N 38°33'57" - W 7°54'27") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ptat033; Photograph: 2 September 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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