
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Évora (distrito)


Largo da Porta de Moura  
(Palácio Barahona - Tribunal Judicial da Comarca de Évora)

História de Évora (Coluna)

History of Évora (Column)

artist unknown

Évora /  História de Évora (Coluna)   Évora /  História de Évora (Coluna)


Stone square column with reliefs of events in the history of Évora.

At the top is on three faces the façade of the university is represented, with the explaining text on the front and right faces.

Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)
Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)
Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)

1559 o cardeal | henrique fundou
a universidade
1531 d. joão 3º fomen
tou o estudo das
humanidades com
os mestres clenar
do, jean petit, chan
terens, vaseu, aires
barbosa e jeróni
mo osório

1559, Cardinal Henrique founded the University
1531, João III promoted the study of humanities with the masters Clenardo, Jean Petit, Chanterens, Vaseu, Aures Barbosa and Jerónimo Osório

Below this and on the fourth faces are scenes of the history of Évora with explaining texts.

Front face
Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)

1439 cortes
de d. afonso 5º

Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)

1166 geraldo
sem pavor
conquistou a
cidade aos mu

Gerald the Fearless captured the city from the Muslims


Right face
Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)

1340 d. afonso 4º
gonçalo anes car
voeiro cem caval
os e mil infantes

1340, Afonso IV, Gonçalo Anes Carvoeiro, 100 horses and 1000 infantry

Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)


Ebora Liberatitas Julia, Roman municipium
(Roman civilian and soldier)

Back face
Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)

joão barradas e se
sinando | roiz des
tacam se | nas
alte | raçoes

João Barradas and Sesinando Rodrigues stand out in the Restauration, 1637

1511 cortes d. manuel 1º

Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)

eborenses par
tem para a bata
lha do salado

Men from Évora take part in the Battle of Salado [1340]

Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)


(Moorish soldier)

Right face
Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)

cortes de
d. joão 2º

Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)

aqui nasceram
duarte galvão, an
dre e garcia de
resende, alvaro
pires, os arquit
ectos arruda e
duarte nunes de

Here were born Duarte Galvão, Andre and Garcia de Resende, Alvaro Pires, the architects Arruda and Duarte Nunes de Leão
The relief shows soldiers and is a continuation of the Battle of Salado of the back face.

Évora - História de Évora (Coluna)


(Two Celts)



  • Afonso V (King of Portugal)
  • Barradas, João
  • Building
  • Celt
  • Gerald the Fearless
  • History Sculpture
  • John II (king of Portugal)
  • Knight
  • Manuel I (king of Portugal)
  • Roman
  • Soldier (Moorish)
  • Soldier (Roman)
  • Locatie (N 38°34'14" - W 7°54'19") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: ptat032; Photograph: 2 September 2017
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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