
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Évora (distrito)


Jardim Público

Vasco da Gama

(Sines 1460 or '9 - Cochim, India 1524)
Portuguese explorer, commander of the first ships to sail directly from Europe to India
Coert Steynberg

Évora /  Vasco da Gama   Évora /  Vasco da Gama


Bronze statue of Vasco da Gama with an anchor and a staff with an armillary sphere.


este monumento foi
oferecido a portugal
pela provincia do na-
tal, africa do sul, pa-
ra comemorar o 500o
aniversario do nasci-
mento de vasco da gama,
que descobriu aquela
provincia no dia de na-
tal de 1497
hierdie monument is
deur die provinsie van
natal, suid-afrika, ann
portugal geskenk ter
gedagtenis aan die
500-jarige herdenking
van die geboorte van
vasco da gama wat na-
tal op kersdag 1497,
ontdek het

(coat-of-arms of Natal)

este monumento foi
descerraco em 21 de no
vembro de 1970 pelo
administrador do na-
tal, excelentissimo se-
nhor j.a. gerderner.

this monument was pre-
sented to portugal by
the people of natal
south africa, to comme
morate the 500th anni-
versary of vasco da
gama who discovered
natal on chrismas [!] day


Coert Steynberg SA 1970

Évora - Vasco da Gama



Locatie (N 38°34'4" - W 7°54'30") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ptat001; Photograph: 9 July 1997  / updated: 2 September 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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