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(Concelho de Vila do Bispo)
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Cabo de São Vicente

São Vicente

Saint Vincent of Saragossa

d. 304
martyr, patron saint of Lisbon, patron of vintners and vinegar-makers
Riki Grahne

Sagres /  São Vicente   Sagres /  São Vicente


Rather abstract statue of St. Vincent, described by the sculptor as follows:

The two and a half metre high statue in marine steel, depicting St. Vincent the Deacon, is an integration of many important symbols.
St. Vincent is always depicted as a young Deacon dressed in a dalmatic, a long-sleeved tunic, and with a stole hanging from his left shoulder.
Nobody has actually seen this young martyr, so therefore his head is depicted as a nail, symbolising that "Vincent remained steadfast in his faith and love of God" although he was subject to many cruel torments before he was finally killed.
The Nimbus or the Halo is a luminous ring round the head of several important Saints, Angels, the Virgin Mary or Persons of the Trinity. On his martyrdom, on the 22nd of January 304, St. Vincent became one of the most popular saints in the Latin Church.
The Latin Cross on St. Vincent's chest, also known as the Protestant Cross or the Western Cross, is a symbol of Christianity.
The Palm Branch in the Saint's hand, symbolises victory and represents a martyr who has sacrificed his life for the sake of God.
The millstone that the statue is standing on, symbolises a similar millstone that Vincent was tied to, before he was cast into the sea outside Valencia. The body was on the next morning miraculously washed ashore, according to the legend.
Valencia is the town from where St. Vincent's remains were to experience an odyssey starting in 779. One stop, for 400 years, was the current Cape of St. Vincent.


São Vicente

Monumento em Homenagem a São Vicente

Inaugurado pelo Excelentíssimo Senhor Presidente da Câmara
Municipal de Vila do Bispo, Adelino Augusto da Rocha Soares e
Benzido por Sua Excelência Reverendíssima, D. Manuel Neto Quintas,
Bispo do Algarve.

Sagres, 22 de janeiro de 2017.


Concebido em 2017 por/by Richard Grahne

Information Sign

São Vicente, mártir da Igreja Cristã
Saint Vincent, martyr of the Christian Church

Padroeiro de Vila do Bispo e das Dioceses do Algarve e Lisboa
Patron Saint of Vila do Bispo and the Diocese of the Algarve and Lisbon

304 – Martirizado durante a perseguição de Diocleciano, Imperador de Roma. Foi em Valência (Espanha)
Killed during the persecution of Diocletian, Emperor of Rome. He was buried in Valencia (Spain).

779 – O seu corpo foi trasladado para este lugar, que tomou o nome de Cabo de São Vicente. Aqui foi construida uma
Capela para guardar as relíquas, a qual se tornou lugar de peregrinação.
His body was transferred to this place, later named Cabo de São Vicente. A chapel was built to store his remains,
which has since become a place of pilgrimage.

1173 – O 1º Rei de Portugal, D. Afonso Henriques mandou levar grande parte dos restos mortais de S7#227;o Vicente para
Lisboa, permanecendo aqui apenas algumas relíquias.
The 1st king of Portugal, D. Afonso Henriques promoted the transfer of a large part of teh remains of Saint Vincent
to the City of Lisbon, leaving some relics here.

1516 – Foi fundado o Convento de S. Vicente do Cabo, de religiosos Franciscanos, que até 1834 acenderam fogueiras
para orienta&3231;ã dos navios.
The Convent of St. Vincent of the Cape, was founded here, by the Franciscansm that until 1834 lit fires here to
guide ships.

1846 – Após a extinção das Ordens Religiosas, no local do convento foi construído este Farol.
After the extinction of the Religioys Order, this Lighthouse was built.

Autor da obra/Designer: Richard Grahne


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 37°1'23" - W 8°59'46") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ptag013; Photograph: 7 September 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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