New Zealand

Statues - Hither & Thither

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Government Gardens

Fred W. Wylie

c. 1875-1901
Soldier in the Boer War
artist unknown

Rotorua /  Fred W. Wylie   Rotorua /  Fred W. Wylie


Marble statue on a pedestal with the lion's head fountain.

Rotorua - Fred W. Wylie


to commemorate the valour of
king's sergt.

of Galatea, Rotorua.
Fourth N.Z. Contingent.

by the Public
Rifle Volunteers
Extract from Brigade Orders

The death of King's Sergt.
F. Wylie is deeply regretted
A brave man and a good soldier

Ext Capt Walker–
He was brave as a lion.
He recaptured unaided
a 15-pr gun, taking two
prisoners in the action
at Hartebeestfontein
25th march 1901. Promoted
King's Sergt by command,
subsequently joining the
Seventh Contingent he
was killed while leading
the attack in action at
Klipfontein 26th may 1901.
aged 25 years.

Fama semper vivat

Immediately below the statue is the text:

Boer War 1899-1902

Information Sign

Wylie Memorial

This monument commemorates Fred Wylie, a young soldier from
Galatea who fought in the Boer War with the Fourth New Zealand
Contingent. Son of the first store keeper in Rotorua, Joseph
Wylie, and a member of a unit known as the 'Rough Riders,' he
was killed leading an attack at Klipfontein on 26th May 1901.
'He was brave as a lion,' reads the inscription, which might
explain the lion's head fountain on the front of the statue. The
project to create this memorial was initiated by the people of
Galatea, and it was unveiled in 1904.

Rotorua - Fred W. Wylie


Sources & Information


Locatie (S 38°8'7" - E 176°15'24") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: nz016; Photograph: 5 February 2008  / updated: 3 March 2011
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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