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Government Gardens

King George V / Te Arawa memorial

Sandringham House, Norfolk 1865 - Sandringham House, Norfolk 1936
King of Great-Britain, 1910-1936
William H. Feldon

Rotorua /  King George V / Te Arawa memorial   Rotorua /  King George V / Te Arawa memorial


Stone statue of George V on a pedestal with several reliefs and texts in three levels.

At the top four reliefs with historical scenes, circumscribed with Signed: twice the text: te arawa | e waru | pu manawa.

(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial
Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial
Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial
Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial
  1. Te Kuraimonoa, a woman of great beauty, who lived in Hawaiki, awaiting her celestial lover Puhaorangi. It is from the union of these two that the Arawa people trace their descent. Above her Rehua, the star that guided them on their epic journey from Hawaiki.
  2. The Rev. Thomas Chapman preaching. Chapman was the first missionary among the Arawa people, and had missions at Koutu, Mokoia and Te Ngae.
  3. Traditional Maori war weapons
  4. Governor William Hobson signing the Treaty of Waitangi, being watched by Tupara Tanira, reputed to be the only Arawa chief who signed the treaty.

The central part shows at the front busts of Edward VII, Victoria, and George V (with their initials E.R., V.R., and G.R), on both sides crosses and at the back figures of a Red Cross nurse and soldiers of the navy and army.

Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial

At the lower part:

Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial

At the front side two name lists, the Maori Regimental Badge (showing two weapons, the taiaha and tewhatewha, crossed under the crown and the words Te Hokowhitu a Tu, the name of the war party of Tu Matauengaa god of war) and the texts:

Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial UNVEILED
– BY –
by the
in perpetual
of their sons
who in the
loyally upheld
the cause of
their god,
their country,
and their king.
Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial

At the monument's base is carved the Arawa canoe, which arrived at Maketu about generations ago. The text is te upoko | i takaia ki | te akatea

Rotorua - King George V / Te Arawa memorial

Information Sign

This distinctive memorial was erected to commemorate the sons of the Arawa people who fought and died in World War I. The sculpture, created by W.H. Feldon, was unveiled in February 1927 by the Duke of York (later King George VI). Words, pictures and symbols tell the story of the arrival of the Arawa waka (ancestral canoe) at Maketu, and the 'voyage' of the Arawa people to the 20th century. The memorial was once ringed with carvings of Rangitihi, who is remembered as the father of the people of the Lakes District, and his eight children.

Memorial - list of names

We have photos of the list(s) of the names on this memorial. Contact us if you want to see these lists. (contact form)



  • Feldon, William H.
  • George V (King of Great Britain)
  • Hobson, William
  • Maori chief
  • Monarch
  • Nurse
  • Ship / boat
  • Soldier
  • Statue (man)
  • Te Kuraimonoa
  • Tupara Tanira
  • Victoria (Queen of Great-Britain)
  • Locatie (S 38°8'5" - E 176°15'30") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: nz015; Photograph: 5 February 2008
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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