New Zealand

Statues - Hither & Thither

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Palmerston North

The Square

Te Peeti Te Awe Awe

c. 1820-1884
Māori chief
Harold Anderson

Palmerston North /  Te Peeti Te Awe Awe   Palmerston North /  Te Peeti Te Awe Awe


Statue of Carrara marble.


to the memory of
Te Peeti Te Awe Awe
of the Rangitane Tribe
Born in the year 1820
Died at Awapuni June 1, 1884
Erected by his sister Ereni Te Awe Awe
under command of
General Hood
Colonel Whitmore
   "    Munro
   "    McDonald
during the maori wars.
Presented by
Her Majesty the Queen
with a sword and the
Union Jack. "Tanenuiarangi"
in recognition
of his loyalty and valour.
I have don my duty
do you likewise.
Kua Kaupapa iau te aroha
ma koutou e whakaoti.
I have laid the
foundation of friendship
for your consummation.


The monument was designed by Palmerston North artist Harold Anderson. The figure was based on photographs supplied by the Te Awe Awe family. Local monumental mason Samuel Dowdall was also employed on the project. It is thought that Dowdall created only the pedestal and that an Italian sculptor was commissioned to fashion the monument.

The statue was erected by his sister Ereni Te Awe Awe and was unveiled on the 26th January 1907 by the Hon. James Carroll, the Native Minister.

Palmerston North - Te Peeti Te Awe Awe


Sources & Information


Locatie (S 40°21'24" - E 175°36'44") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: nz009; Photograph: 9 February 2008
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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