Torņa iela 1
Granīta galvas
Granite Heads
Various sculptors
Permanent exhiition of granite heads in front of the Arsenāls Exhition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art. Fourteen stone heads of mostly Latvian composers, writers and sculptor, flanked by two sculptures of Lilija Līce.
From left to right (only the name of the sculptor, the Latvian and English name and the date are copied from the signs; the Russian name and the full biographies of depicted persons and sculptors are not copied - photos available for the interested):
(click on the photo for an enlargement in a separate window.)
- Lilija Līce. Slāpes / Thirst 1985
- Ainārs Zelčs. Krišjānis Barons 1984
Krišjānis Barons (1835-1923), Latvian folklorist, writer and publicist (Wikipedia).
- Lea Davidova-Medene. Uga Skulme, 1972
Uga Skulme (Jēkabpils 1895 - Moscow 1963), Latvian painter, graphic artist, art theorist and pedagogue (Wikipedia).
- Lea Davidova-Medene. Imanta Ziedoņa portrets / Portrait of Imants Ziedoņis, 1983
Imants Ziedoņis (Ragaciems, Slokas pagasts 1933 - Riga 2013), Latvian poet and cultural activist (Wikipedia).
- Lea Davidova-Medene. Tēlnieka Teodora Zaļkalna portrets / Portrait of Sculptor Teodors Zaļkalns, 1967
Teodors Zaļkalns (until 1930 Teodors Grīnbergs) (Allažu pagasta "Zaļajā Kalnā" 1876 - Riga 1972),
Latvian sculptor
(Wikipedia - his work on this site).
- Lea Davidova-Medene. Emīla Meldera portrets / Portrait of Emīls Melderis, 1978
Emīls Melderis (Millers) (1889-1979), Latvian sculptor (his work on this site).
- Rasma Bruzīte. Gleznotājs Boriss Bērziņš / Painter Boriss Bērziņš 1984
Boriss Bērziņš (Riga 1930 - Riga 2002), Latvian drawer and painter (Wikipedia).
The sculptress Rasma Bruzīte was the wife of Boriss Bēziņš.
- Ojārs Breģis. Portrets (L. Ulmane) / Portrait (L. Ulmane) 1986
Ligita Ulmane-Franckeviča (1947), Latvian sculptress (her work on this site).
- Kārlis Baumanis. Beethoven 1967
Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn 1770 - Wien 1827), German composer and pianist,
- Grairs Avetjans. Egona Līva portrets / Portrait of Egons Līvs 1986
Egons Līvs (ps. of Egons Gūtmanis) (1924-1989), Latvian author and screenplay author.
- Pārsla Zaļkalne. Žana Grīva portrets / Portrait of Žanis Grīva 1971
Žanis Grīva (ps. of Žanis Folmanis) (1910-1982), Latvian writer.
- Marta Lange. Emīls Dārziņš 1975
Emīls Dārziņš (Jaunpiebalga 1875 - Riga 1910), Latvian composer, music critic and pedagogue (Wikipedia).
- Alberts Terpilovskis. LPSR Tautas mākslinieka, LLKJS prēmijas laureāta Raimonda Paula portrets / Portrait of Raimonds Pauls, People's Artist of the Latvian SSR and Winner of the LLKJS Prize 1978
Raimonds Pauls (1936), Latvian composer and pianist (Wikipedia).
- Guna Zvaigznīte. Lūcijas Garūtas portrets / Portrait of Lūcija Garūta, 1969
Lūcija Garūta (Riga 1902 - Riga 1977), Latvain composer, pianist and poet (Wikipedia).
- Lea Davidova-Medene. Eduarda Smiļģa portrets / Portrait of Eduards Smiļģis, 1974
Eduards Smiļģis (1886-1966), actor and theatre director (Wikipedia).
- Lilija Līce. Klusuma brīdis / Moment of Silence 1977
- Grairs Avetjans (1960),
Armenian-Latvian sculptor.
- Kārlis Baumanis (1916-2011),
Latvian sculptor.
- Ojārs Breģis (1942),
Latvian sculptor.
- Rasma Bruzīte (1919-2001),
Latvian sculptress.
- Lea Matisovna Davidova-Medene (Novadnieki 1921 - 1986),
Latvian sculptress
- Marta Lange (1903-1985),
Latvian sculptor.
- Lilija Līce (1913-1991),
Latvian sculptress.
- Alberts Terpilovskis (1922 - 2002),
Latvian sculptor.
- Pãrsla Zaļkalne (1927-1993),
Latvian sculptor
- Ainārs Zelčs (1958),
Latvian sculptor
- Guna Zvaigznīte (1929),
Latvian sculptress.
Bruzīte, Rasma
Bust (man)
Dārziņš, Emīls
Davidova, Lea
Garūta, Lūcija
Grīva, Žanis
Lange, Marta
Līce, Lilija
Līvs, Egons
Melderis, Emīls
Pauls, Raimonds
Skulme, Uga
Smiļģis, Eduards
Terpilovskis, Alberts
Theatre Director
Ulmane-Franckeviča, Ligita
Writer / poet
Zaļkalne, Pãrsla
Zaļkalns, Teodors
Zelčs, Ainārs
Ziedoņis, Imants
Zvaigznīte, Guna
Locatie (N 56°57'5" - E 24°6'15") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: lv077; Photograph: 10 July 2013
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt
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