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Paminklas Lietuvos vardo tūkstantmečiuiMonument for the Millennium of the Name LithuaniaThe first written mention of Lithuania is found in the Saxonicae Annales Quedlinburgenses (Annals of Quedlinburg), dated 9 March 1009 |
Regimantas Midvikis
2009 |
Sanctus Bruno qui cognominatur Bonifacius archepiscopus et monachus XI. suæ conuersionis anno in confinio Rusciæ et Lituæ a paganis capite plexus cum suis XVIII, VII. Id. Martij petijt coelos.See here for a statue of St. Bruno of Querfurt[In 1009] St. Bruno, an archbishop and monk, who was called Boniface, was slain by Pagans during the 11th year of this conversion at the Rus and Lithuanian border, and along with 18 of his followers, entered heaven on March 9th.
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