Statues - Hither & Thither |
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Tokyo - 東京
Hibiya Park 日比谷公園
ルーパロマーナCapitoline WolfThe mythical she-wolf suckling the twins, Romulus and Remus, from the legend of the founding of Rome. The original wolf, dating from the 11th/12th century, with the twins added in the late 15th century, is in the Musei Capitolini in Rome(Wikipedia) |
Prehistoric sculptor & Medieval artist
1938 copy |
The sculpture was a gift from Italy in 1938.
ル一パロマ一ナ (ロ一マの牝狼) この彫像は、昭和13年にイタリアから東京市に寄 贈されたもので、ロ一マ建国の大業を成し遂げたロ 厶ルス、レムス「兄弟の有名な伝説に基づいた像です。 幼い兄弟は、祖父を殺し王位を奪ったアムリウス によってチべル河に流されましたが、忽然と現れた 一匹の牝狼に助けられ、その乳を飲んで成長し、成人 した兄弟は祖父の仇を討ちロ一マを統一したと言わ れています。 |
Rupa Romana. (Roman she-wolf). This statue was donated to the City of Tokyo by Italy in 1938. It is based on the famous legend of the brothers, Romulus and Remus, who achieved the great feat of founding the city of Rome. The young brothers were swept away on the Tiber by Amulius, who had murdered their grandfather and taken the throne. They were saved by a she-wolf, whose milk they drank and grew up to adulthood. As adults, the brothers are said to have avenged their grandfather's death and united the Romans. |
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