code le geyt 1698 – of crimes and their punishment · petty larceny is on
the first occasion only punished by caning, on the second by the lash,
and the third by the lash with a cutting of an ear, banishment or
hanging · aggravated larceny is on the first occasion punished with
death · murder, that is to say, homicide with premeditation always
carries confiscation both of the body and of goods · parricides are
hanged, drawn and strangled on the gibbet · fornication for common
people is punished by the cane and adultery the whip, for other persons
there are pecuniary fines · bigamy, incest and rape are punished with
death · the punishment for perjury is the pillory · for aggravated crimes
such as poisoning, assassination, arson, the body remains on the gibbet
until it rots · in the case of sodomy and sorcery the criminal is drawn
and hanged and his body burned · every sentence involving loss of
life or limb must be executed solemnly after the publication with an
injunction to all school masters to bring their pupils to witness