
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Città di Castello
Perugia (prov.)


Giardini del Cassero

Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto I

Victor Emmanuel II and Umberto I, kings of Italy

Victor Emmanuel II
Turin 1820 - Rome 1878
King of Sardinia from 1849 until 17 March 1861, when he assumed the title King of Italy to become the first king of a united Italy since the 6th century; considered, with Garibaldi, Cavour, and Mazzini, as one of Italy's 'fathers of the fatherland'
Umberto I,
(Torino 1844 - Monza 1900)
King of Italy, 1878-1900
Vincenzo Rossignoli
Gusmano Vignali (Firenze)

Città di Castello /  Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto I   Città di Castello /  Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto I


Bronze statue of King Victor Emmanuel II, with on the pedestal a relief of his son, King Umberto I, and two reliefs with episodes of Umberto's life, and on the back the coat of arms of Città di Castello.

Città di Castello - Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto I

Umberto I

Città di Castello - Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto I

Villa Franca 24 Giugno 1866
Umberto I commanded the XVI Division at the Villafranca battle in 1866. The allegorical relief shows a winged warrior with shield and sword, with his foot in a dead enemy, and a roaring lion. In the background a portrait of the young Umberto.

Città di Castello - Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto I

Coat of arms of Città di Castello

Città di Castello - Vittorio Emanuele II e Umberto I

colonia agricola di ostia
A seated goddess gives something to a young farmer, in the background Roman ruins.


che da la guerra magnanima suscitavano la pace feconda
nelle terre d'ITALIA
gettando i semi dell'AVVENIRE
20 settembre 1907

auspice l'associazione
liberale democratica


(Statue and Villafranca relief) Rossignoli
(Ostia relief) Vignali di Firenze


Sources & Information


  • Farmer
  • Lion
  • Monarch
  • Rossignoli, Vincenzo
  • Statue (man)
  • Umberto I (king of Italy)
  • Victor Emmanuel II (king of Italy)
  • Vignali (Firenze), Gusmano
  • Warrior
  • Locatie (N 43°27'23" - E 12°14'12") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: itum004; Photograph: 9 May 2017
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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