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Genova (prov.)


Terrarossa Colombo

La Casa degli Avi di Colombo

Columbus Ancestral house


Moconesi /  La Casa degli Avi di Colombo


There is a sign at the little parking place near the house with an explanation. Translation:

Home of the forebears of Columbus
It is now a well-known and established fact that this is where the Colombus family originated, the birthplace of the great navigator who was genoese by birth but came from Fontanabuona. There are not many traces of Columbian history. The old historical site, situated along the via "Patrania", can almost certainly be identified with the one inhabited since the 11th century. The bridge across the Lavagna torrent, the cross-roads and mills indicate the important role it played as a halting place and point of transit along the trade routes to the riviera exemplified by the columbian route.
In 1992, Terrarossa had the name of Chistopher Columbus added to its own. The small existing chapel, named after Saint Joseh, was erected in 1705 by the Cuneo family and still keeps its original aspect. The 16-17th century bridge, whose arch survived the 1957 flood, is well worth a visit and, having crossed it, one can climb up toward Tribogna and Quinto, on the same road used by the forebears of Columbus.

Peter van der Krogt with some far descendants of CC
Peter van der Krogt with some far descendants of Christopher Columbus at the back entrance of the Columbus ancestral house. When my brother and I entered the village (at the eastend) these three children were "ordered" by their mother (I guess) to guide us through the village to the Columbus house, which is located at the far west end of it (at least 200 meters further!).


Moconesi, a municipality consisting of several villages and hamlets in the valley of the Lavagna is the place where Columbus's ancestors lived. The village is mentioned in the document of April 21, 1429: it is the birthplace of Christopher's grandfather, Giovanni Columbus.

The hamlet where the Columbus ancestral house is located is named Terrarossa. At the occasion of the 400th aniversary of the discovery of America the hamlet is officially renamed "Terrarossa Colombo".

Here we find the following memorials:

  1. Columbus ancestral home at the west end of the hamlet.
  2. A plaque on one of the walls of the old hamlet.
  3. A plaque on the provincial road of 1889.
  4. A modern art monument opposite the 1889 plaque.

    Furthermore, in the village of Ferrada (also belonging to Moconesi) is:

  5. a fresco on the house on Via C. Colombo 53.
Here is a interactive map with the locations of the memorials.

There are three other monuments in the Lavagna valley: in Cicagna, San Colombano Certenoli, and Lavagna respectively.

Sources & Information


Locatie (N 44°25'28" - E 9°12'0") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: itli033; Photograph: 11 August 2001
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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