
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Parma (prov.)


Via Ferdinando Maestri 13

Giovannino Guareschi

Fontanelle di Roccabianca 1908 - Cervia 1968
Italian journalist, cartoonist and humorist whose most famous creation is the priest Don Camillo
artist unknown

Parma /  Giovannino Guareschi   Parma /  Giovannino Guareschi


Marble plaque with a bronze relief of Guareschi on his bicycle.

Probably dating from the same year as the statue of Guareschi on his bicycle in Fontanelle.


Parma - Giovannino Guareschi

In questa casa nel cuore
della Parma antica ha
trascorso un lampo di
giovinezza Giovannino
Guareschi lo scrittore della
brava gente

Circolo Culturale "Giovannino Guareschi"

In this house in the heart
of ancient Parma has
spent a part of
his youth Giovannino
Guareschi the writer of the
good people

Giovannino Guareschi Cultural Club

Information Sign

In questa casa visse all'ultimo piano
Giovannino Guareschi
nato a Fontanelle (pr) 1/5/1908 e morto il 22/7/1968 a Cervia (ra).

Giovannino Guareschi è stato uno dei maggiori scrittori del XX secolo,
otre che giornalista, fondatore di "Candido", "Bertoldo" e creatore dei
famosi Don Camillo e Peppone, protagonisti del "mondo piccolo".
Nel decennoo precedente la 2a guerra mondiale, ebbe inizio il periodo
parmigiano di Guareschi, e la sua carriera di scrittore e giornalista.
Questa casa era frequentata da personaggi come Cesare Zavattini,
Pietrino Bianchi e l'amico di sempre Alessandro Minardi.

La targa ricorde di Giovannino è stata donata:
Circolo Culturale Guareschi
e dal figlio primogenito Giuliano Guareschi Montagna.

In this house on the top floor lived
Giovannino Guareschi
Born in Fontanelle (PR) 1/5/1908 and died on 22/7/1968 in Cervia (RA).

Giovannino Guareschi was one of the greatest writers of the 20th century,
he was a journalist, founder of "Candido", "Bertoldo" and creator of the
famous Don Camillo and Peppone, protagonists of the "Small world".
In the decade preceding World War II, the Parmesan period of
Guareschi began, and his career as a writer and journalist.
This home was frequented by characters like Cesare Zavattini,
Pietrino Bianchi and his friend always Alessandro Minardi.

The plaque of Giovannino was donated by:
Guareschi Cultural Club
and his first-born son Giuliano Guareschi Montagna.



Locatie (N 44°47'59" - E 10°19'43") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: iter216; Photograph: 15 May 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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