
Statues - Hither & Thither

Site Search:
Roncole Verdi
(Comune di Busseto)
Parma (prov.)


Via Toscanini
(Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo)

Lapide commemorativa di salvataggio di Verdi nel 1814

Commemorative Plaque for Verdi's Rescue in 1814

Giuseppe Verdi
Le Roncole 1813 - Milano 1901
Italian opera composer
artist unknown

Roncole Verdi /  Lapide commemorativa di salvataggio di Verdi nel 1814   Roncole Verdi /  Lapide commemorativa di salvataggio di Verdi nel 1814


Small medaillon with relief portrait, circumscribed giuseppe verdi above a plaque referring to the incident in which Luigia Uttini Verdi saved her baby Giuseppe Verdi in 1814 by climbing into the belfry.


in questa torre vetusta e gloriosa
l'anno 1814
scampava il suo piccolo beppino
dalle orde sanguinarie
di russia e di austria
devastanti questa fertile plaga
e conservava
all'arte un arcangelo sublime
all'auspicata redenzione d'italia
un bardo potente
alla terra di roncole
una fulgida gloria imperitura
un secolo dopo
il prevosto don remigio zardi
l'opera parrocchiale
e il circolo popolare cattolico
commemorando la fausta data
come ricordo
questo marmo posero


In this glorious and ancient tower,
the year 1814,
Luigia Uttini Verdi
rescued her little son Beppino
from the Russian and Austrian
who were devastating this fertile plain,
and preserved
for Art, a sublime Archangel
for the most wished for redemption of Italy,
a powerful bard,
to the earth of Le Roncole
a shining everlasting glory.
A century later,
the Parish Priest Don Remigio Zardi,
the Parish Committee,
and the People's Catholic Circle
commemorating this auspicious date
as a reminder
placed this marble.

Roncole Verdi - Lapide commemorativa di salvataggio di Verdi nel 1814


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 44°57'9" - E 10°4'16") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: iter112; Photograph: 13 May 2017
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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