Statues - Hither & Thither |
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Savignano sul Rubicone
Forlì-Cesena Emilia-Romagna Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII |
Monumento agli animaliMonument for the Animals |
Marisa Lambertini & Carlo Gandolfi
2004 |
Corten-steel tower with a spiralling path leading to the top. On the top stands a boy of bronze, and on the path and on the walls are statues and reliefs of varous animals:
Il ragazzo / The boy |
Cane beagle / Beagle dog |
Cane lupo / Wolf dog |
Cavallo / Horse |
Colombo / Dove |
Coniglio / Rabbit |
Furetti / Ferrets |
Gatto / Cat |
Maiale / Pig |
Mucca / Cow |
Pecora / Sheep |
Pesci / Fish |
Scimmia / Monkey |
Serpente / Snake |
Topo / Mouse |
Uccelli / Birds |
Around the stone base is a corten-steel strip with in ten languages the text:
Humanity thanks you
L'umanita Vi ringrazia
האנושות תודה לך
البشرية شكرا لك
Благодарно Вам
El humanidad os agradece
Die Menschheit dankt euch
L'humanitè Vous remercie
(The Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Hebrew text is not an exact transcription of the sign. The Russian text is erroneously split in two parts).
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