
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr
Co. Westmeath - An Iarmhí

Bishop's Gate Street
(Cathedral of Christ the King)

Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King

Albert G. Power & Henry Thompson

Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr /  Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King   Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr /  Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King


The Cathedral was built 1933-1936 after designs by William H. Byrne & Son. The front façade shows some reliefs:

  1. The pediment shows a relief depicting Our Lady handing over the model of the old Cathedral dedicated to her to Christ the King. On the left are St. Patrick and St. Peter, on the right are Pope Pius XI, Bishop Thomas Mulvany and Cardinal Joseph MacRory. Sculpted by Albert Power.
    Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr / Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King

  2. Two panels above the main entrance, sculpted by Henry Thompson, depicting
    Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr / Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr / Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King

    To the sides are reliefs showing the papal coat of arms (left) and the coat of arms of the Diocese of Meath.

    Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr / Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr / Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King

  3. The keystone of the main porch is formed by the head of Moses the Law giver, sculpted by Henry Thompson.
    Mullingar - An Muileann gCearr / Reliefs at the Cathedral of Christ the King


Sources & Information


  • Christ (King)
  • Coat of arms
  • Façade with statues (church)
  • MacRory, Joseph
  • Mary, St.
  • Melchizedek
  • Mulvany, Thomas
  • Patrick, St.
  • Peter, St.
  • Pius XI, Pope
  • Power, Albert G.
  • Thompson, Henry
  • Locatie (N 53°31'35" - W 7°20'43") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: ie328; Photograph: 21 June 2014
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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