
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Galway - Gaillimh
Co. Galway - Gaillimh

William Street

Oscar Wilde & Eduard Vilde

Oscar Wilde (Dublin 1854 - Paris 1900), Irish writer and poet (Wikipedia).

Eduard Vilde (Pudivere, Väike-Maarja Parish, Lääne-Viru County 1865 - Tallinn 1933), Estonian writer, a pioneer of critical realism in Estonian literature, and diplomat (Wikipedia).

Tiiu Kirsipuu

Galway - Gaillimh /  Oscar Wilde & Eduard Vilde   Galway - Gaillimh /  Oscar Wilde & Eduard Vilde


Bronze sculpture of the Irish writer Oscar Wilde (left) and the Estonian writer Eduard Vilde (right) sitting on a granite bench together.

Galway - Gaillimh - Oscar Wilde & Eduard Vilde
Oscar Wilde
Galway - Gaillimh - Oscar Wilde & Eduard Vilde
Eduard Vilde

The statue is a second cast of the statue in Tartu, Estonia.


Bronze plaques in the pavement at the sides of the bench, each plaque with a coat of arms or Galway and Tartu respectively:

"it is only by contact with the art of foreign nations
that the art of a country gains that
individual and separate life that we call nationality"

irish     OSCAR WILDE     writer

"ainult kokkupuutes võõraste rahvaste kunstiga
omandab ühe maa kunst selle
ainuomase ja iseseisva elu, mida me nimetame rahvuseks"

"kunst on ju üleilmaline ja peab seda olema, ilma et
rahvuslikud vaheseinad treda dillutada ja jaotada tohiksid."

estonian     EDUARD WILDE     writer

"art is, and must be, universal - no national walls
should be allowd to partition or divide it."

Inscription in stones in front of the bench:

bronntanas do eire on eastoin
ar ócáid theacht isteach na heastóine
san aontas eorpach, beai taine 2004

múnlaithe ag tiiu kirsipuu on mbun-dealbh
atá sa wilde irish pub i tartu san eastóin

Oscar 1854 - 1900
1865 - 1933 Eduard

a gift from estonia to ireland
on the occasion of estonia's accession
to the european union, may 2004

cast from the original sculpture by tiiu kirsipuu
at wilde irish pub, tartu, estonia


20 TK 04

Galway - Gaillimh - Oscar Wilde & Eduard Vilde



Locatie (N 53°16'25" - W 9°3'5") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ie267; Photograph: 19 June 2014
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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