
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Limerick - Luimneach
Co. Limerick - Luimneach

Sarsfield Bridge

The 1916 Memorial

Memorial dedicated to the memory of those who died in the struggle for Irish Freedom and Easter Rising of 1916, both those killed in action and the leaders executed in its aftermath. The memorial includes statues of Tom Clarke, Edward Daly and Con Colbert
James Power

Limerick - Luimneach /  The 1916 Memorial   Limerick - Luimneach /  The 1916 Memorial


Bronze figure group depicting Edward Daly and Con Colbert freeing Mother Eire, depicted as a young maiden, from the shackles of oppression. The group stands on a high limestone pedestal with a bronze statue of Tom Clarke pointing to the 1916 Proclamation.
Inscribed are the names of the 16 men who were executed during May, 1916, and the names of 65 others, killed in action during the same period.

Limerick - Luimneach / The 1916 Memorial Limerick - Luimneach / The 1916 Memorial
The three statues depict:
  1. Thomas James "Tom" Clarke (Irish: Tomás Séamus Ó Cléirigh;, Isle of Wight 1857 - Dublin 1916), Irish revolutionary leader and arguably the person most responsible for the 1916 Easter Rising (Wikipedia).
  2. Edward "Ned" Daly (Limerick 1891 - Dublin 1916), commandant of Dublin's 1st battalion during the Easter Rising of 1916. He was the youngest man to hold that rank, and the youngest executed in the aftermath (Wikipedia).
  3. Cornelius "Con" Colbert (Irish: Conchúir Ó Colbáird; Castlemahon, Co. Limerick 1888 - Dublin 1916), Irish rebel and pioneer of Fianna Éireann (Wikipedia).

Unveiled 27 May 1956 by Mrs. Leslie de Barra, wife of general Tomas de Barra.


an tiomnaḋ
do tógaḋ an leaċt so, le bailiú deóntaċ puibliḋe airgid,
i gcuiṁne na ḃfear so luimniġ i.
éamonn ó dálaiġ, conċuḃar colbárd,
tomás ó cléiriġ
(dalta saor don ċaṫair).
do cuireaḋ ċun báis le sasana i bpríosún ċill ṁaiġneann,
baile áṫa cliaṫ, um ċaisc 1916: ar
ḋoṁnall ó síoṫċáin,
do marḃaḋ le linn caṫa:
ar a gcomráduiḋṫiḃ sin uile:
agus ar a liaċt gan áireaṁ ó ġlúin go glúin,
a fuair bás ar son éireann.

Underneath the sculpture group, four sides, the names of the 16 men who were executed during May, 1916,:
do básuiġeaḋ
conċubar colbáird
tomás ó cléiriġ
éamonn ó dálaiġ
seán mac aoḋa

do básuiġeaḋ
tomá ceannt
ruaiḋrí mac ásmuint
seán mac diarmada
seán mac giolla ḃríġde

do básuiġeaḋ
éamonn ceannt
tomás mac donnċaḋa
séamus ó conġaile
seosaṁ pluingcéid

do básuiġeaḋ
padraig mac piarais
liam mac piarais
miċeál ó h-annraċáin
miċeál ó meallám

At the base a note on the unveiling:

leslie bean Tomáis de barra a noċt an leaċt
Éamonn T. de nÓir Rúnaí Omig an Ċoiste Cuiṁneaċain
27 . 5 . 1956


james power | dublin

Limerick - Luimneach / The 1916 Memorial

Memorial - list of names

We have photos of the list(s) of the names on this memorial. Contact us if you want to see these lists. (contact form)


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 52°39'54" - W 8°37'47") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ie247; Photograph: 18 June 2014
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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