
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Tralee - Trá Lí
Co. Kerry - Ciarraí

Town Park

Garden of the Senses


Tralee - Trá Lí /  Garden of the Senses   Tralee - Trá Lí /  Garden of the Senses


Sculpture garden designed to appeal to the five senses. The garden places strong emphasis on ancient Hanley history of Ireland. It includes:

  1. SOUND: Horns of Clogherclemin
    A hoard of bronze age horns was found in a bog at Clogherclemin,
    Tralee in 1875. This interactive sculpture pays tribute to the
    craftmanship of the ancient Irish.
  2. TASTE: Cauldron of the Dagda
    In ancient Ireland, The Dagda (the Great God) possessed one of the
    four treasures of the Tuatha de Danann, a vessel of endless bounty
    'from which none returned unfulfilled'. This sculpture features a
    drinking fountain.
  3. SIGHT: Standing Stone
    The stone is aligned with Queen Scotia's Glen on Sliabh Mis Mountain
    and looks back to a mythical time when the Milesians defeated the great
    Tuatha de Danann and Scotia's son Amergin named the island 'Eire'.
  4. TOUCH: Henge
    A modern, rhythmic and tactile response in stone to an important
    neolithic settlement site discovered at Ballycarty,
    outside Tralee in June 1996.
We haven't seen the fifth senseā€¦

Tralee - Trá Lí
Tralee - Trá Lí
Tralee - Trá Lí
Tralee - Trá Lí

The project was inspired by Soroptimist International Tralee & District, under its then President Maura Baily, in 2000.

Sources & Information


Locatie (N 52°16'2" - W 9°42'13") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ie227; Photograph: 17 June 2014
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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