
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh
Co. Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh

James's Street
(St. Mary's cathedral)

Saints Patrick and Kieran

(Modern Irish: Pádraig) 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. Known as the 'Apostle of Ireland', he is the primary patron saint of the island.
George Smyth
1890 - 1909

Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh /  Saints Patrick and Kieran


On the facade of the Chapter House and on the grounds of St. Mary's Cathedral in Kilkenny are two depictions of St. Patrick and one of St. Kieran:

1. Freestanding statue of St. Patrick

Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh / Saints Patrick and Kieran Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh / Saints Patrick and Kieran

On the courtyard.
Signed: G. Smyth | Dublin

[the bishop's coat of arms with motto 'scio cui credidi' - I know him in whom I have believed.]

this statue of st. patrick
has been erected by the parishioners of the four city parishes
to commemorate the episcopal silver jubilee
of the
most reverend abraham brownrigg d.d.
lord bishop of ossory
and to mark their recognition of his lordship's arduous labours
for the welfare of the church in this diocese
and his unfailing attention to the spiritual
and temporal needs of his people
14th december 1909

2. Facade statue of St. Kieran

Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh / Saints Patrick and Kieran Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh / Saints Patrick and Kieran

Stone statue in a niche above the entrance of the Chapter House; above the windows are stones with initials and date: 'AD AB 1890' (AB = Abraham Brownrigg)
Ciarán of Saigir (c. 501 - c. 530), also known as Ciarán mac Luaigne or Saint Kieran, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Ireland. He is the partron saint of the diocese of Ossory, whose first bishop he was. The bishop's seat of Ossory the the Kilkenny cathedral, whose full name is The Cathedral of the Assumption and Church of Saint Kieran.

3. Relief portrait of St. Patrick

Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh / Saints Patrick and Kieran Kilkenny - Cill Chainnigh / Saints Patrick and Kieran

Stone relief in the tympanum above the side window of the Chapter House. The relief shows a shield with a portrait of St. Patrick, flanked by ribbons with the names St. Canice and St. Kieran. In the facade above the window bishop Brownrigg's coat of arms.



Locatie (N 52°39'10" - W 7°15'24") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ie118; Photograph: 14 June 2014
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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