This bronze statue of the legendary
Irish hero Cuchulainn, by Irish
sculptor Oliver Sheppard R.H.A., is a
memorial to the participants of the
1916 Rising.
The legend relates that when mortally
wounded in battle, Cuchulainn tied
himself to a pillar so that he might
face his enemies, even in death. Only
when a raven perched on his shoulder
did they dare to approach.
This memorial was unveiled on Easter
Sunday, 21st April, 1935. Inscribed
underneath are the names of the
seven signatories of the proclamation
of the Irish Republic, which was read
for the first time by P.H. Pearse
outside this building on Easter
Monday, April, 1916.
Cuimhneachán í an dealbh chré-umha
sei leis an dealbhóir clúiteach
Éireannach, Oilibhéar Mac Aoire RHA,
orthu siúd a ghlac páirt in Éiro Amach
Insítear gur cheangail Cú Chulain é
féin de chuaille nuair a goineadh i
gcath é, chun go bhféadfadh sé
aghaidh a thabhairt ar a naimhde, fiú
amháin tar éis dó bás a fháil. Ní
leomhfaidís dul ina aice go dtí gur
thuirling fiach dubh ar a ghualainn.
Nochtadh an cuimhneachán seo,
Domhnach Cásca, an 21 Aibreán
1935. Greanta thíos faoi, tá
ainmneacht na tseachtair a shínigh
Forógra Phoblacht na hÉireann,
forógra a léigh Pádraig Mac Piarais
den chéad uair lasmuigh den
fhoirgneamh seo, Luan Cásca
Aibreán 1916.