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Dublin - Baile Átha Cliath
Co. Dublin - Contae Átha Cliath St. Patrick's Close, D8
Douglas Hyde - Dubhghlas de hÍdeCastlerea, Co. Roscommon 1860 - Dublin 1949Irish scholar of the Irish language who served as the first President of Ireland from 1938 to 1945 (Wikipedia) |
artist unknown
date? |
Duḃglas deHíde an craoiḃín aoiḃinn 1860-1949 Céad Uaċtarán na h-Éireann 1938 1945 |
Douglas Hyde The Pleasant Little Branch 1860-1949 First President of Ireland 1938 1945 |
"More than any other building in Ireland, Dublin's St. Patrick's Cathedral embodies the history and heritage of a nation and its people, from earliest times to the present day."
There are about 200 monuments in St Patrick's Cathedral, comprising everything from the big architectural monuments through brasses, marble statues, marble on the walls, and stained glass. On this website, we include the statues, busts and relief portraits.
Relief portraits
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