
Statues - Hither & Thither

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Galway - Gaillimh
Co. Galway - Gaillimh

Spanish Arch Parade

Monument for Columbus visit to Galway

Mick Wilkins

Galway - Gaillimh /  Monument for Columbus visit to Galway   Galway - Gaillimh /  Monument for Columbus visit to Galway


The Galway Columbus sculpture resembles a seabird. It was presented to the city of Galway by the city of Genoa on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America, since Columbus on one of his earlier travels visited Galway. He mentions the city in his writings, and claimed to have visited England, and sailed as far north as Iceland. It is believed that during his stay Columbus prayed in the Church of St. Nicholas (I was in that church, but there is no plaque or the like to commemorate this fact, although it is mentioned in the leaflet about the church).
Columbus's visit to Galway is the city's most famous legend and is often told in the wildly exaggerated tale that he landed in Galway on his way to discover America. This is patently false.


Galway - Monument for Columbus visit to Galway on these shores
around 1477 the
genoese sailor
found sure signs
of land beyond
the atlantic

la citta di genova
alla citta de galway
ar an gcladach
seo thar timpeall
1477 taibhsiodh
don mairéalach
as genobha, tir a
beith i goéin
thar farraige siar.

la citta di genova
alla citta de galway
Galway - Monument for Columbus visit to Galway



Galway - Gaillimh / Monument for Columbus visit to Galway


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 53°16'13" - W 9°3'17") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: ie001; Photograph: 30 August 2002  / updated: 19 June 2014
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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