Budapest Főváros
Budavári palota - Duna terasz (I.)
Savoyai Jenő herceg
Prince Eugene of Savoy
Eugène-François, prince de Savoie-Carignan
Paris 1663 - Wien 1736
one of the most successful military commanders in modern European history, rising to the highest offices of state at the Imperial court in Vienna
Róna József
Bronze equestrian statue.
The plinth is decorated with captured Turks
and two bronze reliefs:
the capture of the earth-works in Senta
the decisive cavalry charge in the Battle of Senta of 11 September 1697 where Prince Eugene defeated the Ottoman army
1663 - 1736
róna józsef
Signed: (statue) róna józsef 1897
plinth: róna józsef
relief 2: róna '97
The Neo-Baroque statue was made for the town of Senta (Serbia) but the town could not afford its price. The monument was bought in 1900 as a temporary solution until the planned equestrian statue of King Franz Joseph was completed. This never happened so Prince Eugen remained on his plinth.
- Róna József (Lovasberény 1861 - Budapest 1939),
Hungarian sculptor
Sources & Information
Locatie (N 47°29'47" - E 19°2'24") (Satellite view: Google Maps)
Item Code: hubp053; Photograph: 7 September 2012
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt
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