Statues - Hither & Thither |
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Budapest Főváros József nádor ter (V.) |
József nádorArchduke Joseph, Palatine of HungaryErzherzog Joseph Anton Johann Baptist von österreich-Toscana(Florence 1776 - Buda 1847) Palatine (nádor in Hungarian) of Hungary, 1796 (Wikipedia) |
Johann Halbig
Ferdinand von Miller (München) 1860 |
IOSEPHO Archiduci Austriae REGNI HUNGARIAE ultra L Annos PALATINO Pia Memoria dicatum MDCCCLX. |
pest városát ujjá alkotta. |
nádorrá választatott 1796 november 12én |
egész életét a közügyeknek szentelte. |
Joseph Archdule of Austria For 50 years palatine of the Kingdom of Hungary dedicated in his memory 1860 |
Erected by the city of Pest |
Created Palatine 12 November 1796 |
his whole life devoted to public affairs. |
Signed: joh. halbig inv. et mod.
f. miller fudit Munchen1860.
johann halbig / alkotása / 1869
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