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Robin Hood's Bay
North Yorkshire

Yorkshire & Humberside

New Road

Millennium Sculpture

David Duncalfe

Robin Hood's Bay /  Millennium Sculpture   Robin Hood's Bay /  Millennium Sculpture


Stone sculpture of a fallen tree trunk, on which a globe is mounted. Atop the globe is a 'structure' with the year MM and some reliefs as an owl, a boat, portrait of Robin Hood and E.T.

Robin Hood's Bay - Millennium Sculpture Robin Hood's Bay - Millennium Sculpture

On various websites is much speculation found as to its meaning. We obtained first hand information through Vic Allen of Dean Clough, who called the sculptor David Duncalfe in August 2019:

The sculpture was never given a formal name but was intended to be a celebration of the Millennium and was funded by the local council.
The original idea was to have a globe in the centre of a large table; but despite searching far-and-wide, David couldn't find a large disc of stone. Presumably this delay contributed to the fact that the sculpture was not completed until 2004.
The finished work is made of two large pieces of stone that David brought down from the North Yorkshire Moors. The 'base' is modelled on a fallen tree that David had seen locally.
The concept is themed around the 'Tree of Knowledge” and the detailing around the globe reflects (as David puts it) "…the things that were happening around the Millennium". These evidently ranged from the 'DNA double helix' to Spielberg's 'E.T.'… and include Robin Hood.



Robin Hood's Bay 2000
Mole gossips welcome

Robin Hood's Bay - Millennium Sculpture


Sources & Information


  • Country: Great Britain
  • Duncalfe, David
  • E.T. (movie character)
  • Globe
  • Hood, Robin
  • Owl
  • Ship / boat
  • Tree
  • Locatie (N 54°26'0" - W 0°32'4") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: gbyh207; Photograph: 1 August 2019
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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