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West Yorkshire

Yorkshire & Humberside

Woodhouse Lane
(Monument Moor)

Henry Rowland Marsden

Holbeck, Leeds 1823 - 1876
English philanthropist; Mayor of Leeds, 1873-75
John Throp

Leeds /  Henry Rowland Marsden   Leeds /  Henry Rowland Marsden


Marble statue of Marsden as Mayor of Leeds. It is Unveiled 2 March 1878.
On the pedestal are three marble reliefs, but one is missing. The industry-panel shows the patent stone-crushing machinery in Marsden's factory, founded 1862 to take advantage of the demand at that time for road buildingp>
Leeds - Henry Rowland Marsden
benevolence (missing)
Marsden gives alms to the poor
Leeds - Henry Rowland Marsden
Stone-breaking machine
Leeds - Henry Rowland Marsden
Marsden distributes prizes to school children

Description of the Leeds Times:

Marsden is represented as wearing the Mayor's official robe and chain, and is standing in an easy attitude, with the left foot slightly advanced. His right arm rests upon his breast, the right hand holds a scroll, and the left hand supports his robe. In front of the pedestal, deeply chiselled and lettered in gold, are the words, "H. R. Marsden, 1878." On the other three sides of, the pedestal are sculptured panels representing respectively Education, Industry, and Benevolence. In the first-named Mr. Marsden is distributing prizes to school children, a stone-breaking machine is the leading figure in the representation of Industry, and in the third panel the halt and the poor are represented as receiving alms from Mr. Marsden.



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Leeds - Henry Rowland Marsden


Sources & Information


  • Country: Great Britain
  • Education
  • Industry
  • Marsden, Henry Rowland
  • Mayor
  • Philanthropist
  • Statue (man)
  • Student
  • Throp, John
  • Locatie (N 53°48'41" - W 1°33'24") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: gbyh132; Photograph: 28 July 2019
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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