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Statues - Hither & Thither

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North Yorkshire

Yorkshire & Humberside

Minster Yard
(York Minster)

Saints' Statues at York Minster

Medieval artist
Medieval - copies

York /  Saints' Statues at York Minster   York /  Saints' Statues at York Minster


The facades of the York Minster show a lot of niches for statues, but most are empty.

Front facade

Above the entrance

York - Saints' Statues at York Minster

York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
Robert de Vavasour, holding a piece of rough stone, since he granted of tolls for the haulage of the stone from the quarry at Tadcaster
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
Archbishop William de Melton, archbishop of York, 1317-1340; the principal founder of this part of the church, with a model of the church in his hand (Wikipedia).
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
William de Perry, holding a piece of moulded and decorated stone, for his grant of free stone and timber for the minster
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
Buttresses flanking the entrance
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
Left side, statues recently (2016?) replaced
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
Right side
Right most buttress

York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
"Saved from the Ouse", Sculpture group showing saint William of York. In 1154 he was greeted by such a large crowd thet the timber Ouse bridge collapsed. Miraculously no one was drowned - compare the more complete version on Wikimedia commons.

North west tower

York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster

North balustrade

York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster

East facade

Statue of St. Peter, patron saint of the Minster.
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster Original statue York - Saints' Statues at York Minster Copy at the facade, made in 2014 by Martin Coward York - Saints' Statues at York Minster

South facade

Southeast tower
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
One of the Evangelists
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
One of the Evangelists
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
Christ with the pascal lamb
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
One of the Evangelists
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
One of the Evangelists
York - Saints' Statues at York Minster
An archnbishop, thought to be St. William, 12th century archbishop of York (Wikipedia).


Sources & Information


  • Bishop
  • Christ
  • Evangelists (Four)
  • Façade with statues (church)
  • Medieval artist
  • Melton, William de
  • Perry, William de
  • Peter, St.
  • Vavasour, Robert de
  • William of York, St.
  • Locatie (N 53°57'44" - W 1°4'56") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: gbyh076; Photograph: 26 July 2019
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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