United Kingdom

Statues - Hither & Thither

Site Search:
East Riding of Yorkshire

Yorkshire & Humberside

Market Place

King William III

Den Haag 1650 - Hampton Court 1702
Stadhouder and king of England
Peter Scheemakers (Jr.)

Hull /  King William III   Hull /  King William III


Gilt equestrian statue of King William III in the costume of a Roman Emperor. The statue is know as "King Billy".

It was mentioned in the of 10 December 1734 as: "A curious Equestrian Statue of King William III done by the famous Statury Mr. Scheemaker, has been lately set up at the Town of Kingston Upon Hull in Yorkshire."

There are several myths concerning the statue. The first is that Scheemaker committed suicide when he realised that he had forgotten the stirups but in fact as he is depicted as a Roman they didn't have stirrups at the time. It is also said that when the clock of Holy Trinity strikes midnight King Billy gets off his horse and goes for a drink in the nearby pub. It is also said that when it strikes thirteen the horse also get down for a pint! (150 Facts about Hull).


was Erected in the Year
To the Memory of

King William III
(by Peter Scheemaker)
Erected by Subscription in 1734.
Removed for Safety to Houghton Hall, East Yorkshire,
during the Second World War.
Replacedd by the Corporation in 1949
with the generous help of
Wm. Broady, Coppersmith, of this City.
Alderman J. Henson, J.P.
Lord Mayor.
W. Morris, O.B.E., M.I.C.E.,
City Engineer.
E.H. Bullock,
Town Clerk
This statue was refurbished by Hull City Council
with the assistance of public donations and a grant
from English Heritage end re-erected on the 5th March 1989
Ceremony performed by
Councillor Mrs. M. Smelt
Lord Mayor of Kingston upon Hull
Dr. A. Peper
Burgomaster of Rotterdam
Councillor J. Stanley J.P.
Chairman Technical Services Committee
A.B. Wood
Town Clerk and Chief Executive.
J.M. Deeming,
City Engineer.

Hull - King William III


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 53°44'27" - W 0°20'0") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbyh023; Photograph: 25 July 2019
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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