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Statues - Hither & Thither

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West Midlands

The Close

King Charles II

St. James's Palace 1630 - Whitehall Palace 1685
King of England 1660-1685
William Wilson

Lichfield /  King Charles II   Lichfield /  King Charles II


Stone statue of King Charles II in state robes and wearing a crown, with the orb in his left hand.


[...]ptimus CAROLUS Secun[...]
[...]us & Totius Ecclesiæ Anglic[...]

Information Sign

charles ii

after the ravages of civil war
charles ii gave money and timber towards
the repair of this cathedral.

his statue was placed in the principal
position on the west front where it remained
until the 19th century restoration

Lichfield Cathedral - 153 statues

The exterior of Lichfield cathedral is extremely rich with sculpted statues. Only the west front has 113 statues! On the rest of the exterior are 40 more statues. To make our web pages manageable, we firstly limited ourselves in photographing the large statues (the pointed archivolts of the entrance are decorated with many figures as well), and secondly, divided the description into seven parts of the cathedral:

  1. West Front - 113 statues.
  2. North Transept - 4 statues.
  3. Chapter House - 6 statues.
  4. Choir - 5 statues.
  5. Lady Chapel - 16 statues.
  6. Consistory Court - 2 statues.
  7. South Transept - 7 statues.
Lichfield - Statues Lichfield Cathedral
Curiously, the exterior walls of the nave does not show any statues.
Only five of the statues and the 'Christ in Majesty' in the roof of the west doorway are medieval, all others are carved in the late 19th century by various Victorian sculptors.

The interior of the cathedral is even richer in statues, but on this website we usually do not include statues in the interior of churches.
Close to the cathedral is also the statue of Charles II.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 52°41'7" - W 1°49'49") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbwm032; Photograph: 7 June 2014
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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