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Holyhead - Caergybi
Isle of Anglesey - Ynys Môn


The Celtic Gateway

Sun Boats - Cychod Haul

David Mackie

Holyhead - Caergybi /  Sun Boats - Cychod Haul   Holyhead - Caergybi /  Sun Boats - Cychod Haul


24 pairs of discs (12 inch / 31 cm diametre) in the pavement of the bridge. Each pair consists of a disc with a sun motif and a disc with 13 different motifs (and one with a text); and in a circle around the Holyhead Sculpture / Cerflun Caergybi with smaller discs (8 inch / 20.5 cm) with the sun disc alternating with discs with different motifs.
The sun boat image is derived from the sun-worshipping Celts who believed it travelled across the night sky in a boat.
We were unable to find any information on the meaning of the different motifs.

Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
Sun motive.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
1. Astrolabe.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
2. Coin of Emperor Claudius, ticlavdivs caesar avg pm trp imp.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
3. Ship with warriors.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
4. Map of Holy Island with ships in the sea.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
5. Celtic motive.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
6. Late 18th-century Anglesey penny token, with bearded druid.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
7. Puffin.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
8. Unclear.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
9. Ferns.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
10. Otter.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
11. Heraldic bird.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
12. Fish with letters N and S.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
13. Text disc: Er cof am Terry Brown M.I.C.E. Cyfarwyddwr Proslect 1939-2004 In Memory of Terry Brown M.I.C.E. Project Director.

Sixteen smaller discs around the Holyhead Sculpture on the bridge, alternating a sun and nine different motives, with different half circles.

Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s1. Sun motive.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s2. Leaves and berries.>/td>
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s3. Hares.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s4. Cormorants.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s5. Mammoth.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s6. Red Kite (?).
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s7. Hawk.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s8. The Green Man or Man in the Tree.
Holyhead - Caergybi - Sun Boats - Cychod Haul
s9. Sestertius of Nerva, Coin with two mules, inscription vehicvlatione italiae remissa s c.

Celtic Gateway

The Celtic Gateway (Welsh: Porth Celtaidd) is a stainless steel pedestrian and cycle bridge in Holyhead. Opened on 19 October 2006 by Andrew Davies AM to better connect the railway station and ferry terminal with the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists. The distance between the two was originally 830 metres, including two steep inclines and the crossing of a busy road. The current bridge has one shallow incline and cuts the distance to 280 metres with no roads to cross (Wikipedia)..
There are four artworks along the Celtic Gateway:

Information sign

Mae celf cyhoeddus gan sawl
artist wedi eu creu, gyda chymorth
ariannol Cyngor y Cetfyddydau.

"Cychod Haul" gan David Mackie
Mae cyfres o ddisgiau efydd yn ffurfio rhan o'r pafin.
Mae'r llun o gwch haul yn deillio o gred y Celtiaid fod yr
haul yn cael ei gludo ar draws awyr y nos mewn cwch.
Crewyd nifer o ddisgiau eraill a patrymau yn
dangos treftadaeth lleol.

"St.Cybi ac St.Siriol" gan Gary Drostle
Mae'r paneli mosaic gerllaw yn dangos y ddau sant Celtaidd
yma o Ynys Môn.

"Cerflun Caergybi" gan Howard Bowcott
Mae'r cerfiuniau dramatig yma o waith llechi yn adlewyrchu
siapiau cychod a pyst clymu rhaff, ac yn cynnwys
barddoniaeth gan Menna Elfyn.

"Wal Ddwr" gan Marianne Forrest
Mae'r artist wedi defnyddio tonnau efydd wedi
ei rolio i addurno wal y Stesion, a
dangos arno hanes Caergybi
mewn lluniau gan blant lleol
Public artwork features by several
artists have been provided, supported
by funding from the Arts Council for Wales.

"Sun Boats" by David Mackie
A series of bronze plaques have been built into the
bridge paving. The sun boat image is derived from the
sun-worshiping Celts who believed it travelled across the
night sky in a boat. Other plaques and glass etchings reflect
local heritage features.

"St.Cybi and St.Seiriol" by Gary Drostle
The adjacent mosaic panels show these two Celtic church saints
from Anglesey.

"Holyhead Sculpture" by Howard Bowcott
These dramatic slatework features on the causeway and at the
harbourside have been designed to reflect the shapes of boats
and mooring posts, and include poetry by Menna Elfyn.

"Waterwall" by Marianne Forrest
The artist has used rolled brass waves etched
with Holyhead timeline images created by
local children to adorn the walls of the
railway station.


Sources & Information


  • Cormorant
  • Druid
  • Fern
  • Fish
  • Hare
  • Hawk
  • Horse
  • Kite (bird)
  • Leaf (plant or tree)
  • Mackie, David
  • Mammoth
  • Map
  • Mule
  • Otter
  • Pavement art
  • Puffin
  • Ship / boat
  • Sun
  • Locatie (N 53°18'34" - W 4°37'52") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: gbwa159; Photograph: 20 June 2023
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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