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Statues - Hither & Thither

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Vaughan Street / Mostyn Street
(North Western Gardens)

Millennium Sculpture

Craig and Mary Matthews (CAMM Design)

Llandudno /  Millennium Sculpture   Llandudno /  Millennium Sculpture


Hexagonal column of 4 m high, illustrating the history of Llandudno. The aim was to provide a vehicle for an historical narrative in the form of a vertical timeline. From top of sculpture downwards, each series staring with the side facing Conway Road (south - the left photo here above) (except nos. 8 and 9):
  1. Steel: Crown: veiled reference to Llandudno 'Queen of Welsh Resorts' Water and wave design.
  2. Steel: Sun Motif: Future optimism

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  3. Bronze relief: North Wales Theatre: the dates 1999-2000, Welsh National Opera, October Fest

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  4. Cast iron: Llandudno's Second Pier: Built in 1875. Example of Victorian confidence in the future.

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  5. Bronze relief: Railway Arrived: In 1858 bringing people from Northern England.

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  6. Mosaic: Promenade of Hotels: Facing the Bay - St. Georges Hotel, first hotel, built in 1854.

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  7. Bronze relief: 18th Century Llandudno: A collection of copper miners cottages perched high on Orme.

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  8. Mosaic: Strong Christian Presence: Llandudno = Tudno's Church. St. Tudno is the founding 6th century saint. Palace of medieval bishops (the mosaic facing Conway Road is the fourth).

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  9. Bronze relief: Viking Raids: 9th, 10th, 11th century (the relief facing Conway Road is the fourth).

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  10. Mosaic: Roman Presence: Coins and pottery from the reign of Aurelian 270 AD have been found on the Orme.

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  11. Bronze relief: Bronze Age Copper Mining: Prehistoric mining for copper ore going back to 1800 BC.

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture

  12. Mosaic: Tropical Seas: 300 million years ago Llandudno area was a warm shallow sea. Calcium carbonate deposits were laid down - now carboniferious limestone rock forming the Orme.

    Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture Llandudno / Millennium Sculpture


Sources & Information


  • Fish
  • Fossil
  • Goat
  • Matthews (CAMM Design), Craig and Mary
  • Miner
  • Saint (unknown)
  • Shell
  • Ship / boat
  • Soldier (Roman)
  • Train
  • Tudno, St.
  • Viking
  • Locatie (N 53°19'18" - W 3°49'28") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: gbwa136; Photograph: 30 July 2012
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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