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New Promenade
(Castle walls)

War and Peace at the Castle - Rhyfel ac Heddwch y Castell

Pod Clare & Stuart Evans

Aberystwyth /  War and Peace at the Castle - Rhyfel ac Heddwch y Castell   Aberystwyth /  War and Peace at the Castle - Rhyfel ac Heddwch y Castell


Series of nine mosiacs in arches in the castle wal below the Aberystwyth Borough War Memorial. The mosaics illustrate nine aspects of the castle history.

Click for larger photo in separate window EDWARD I
Castle built 1277 Adeiladwyd y castell

1. 1277Aberystwyth Castle is established for King Edward I to
secure dominance over Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. Castles are
also built at Builth, Flint and Rhuddlan.

1. 1277Sefydlwyd castell Aberystwyth er mwyn i Edward I, sicrhau
gorchafiaeth dros Llywelyn ap Gruffydd. Adeiladwyd cestyll yn Llanfair
ym Muallt, Fflint a Rhuddlan.

Mosaic by 'Gorwelion' Resource Centre / 'Gorwelion' Canolfan Adnoddau.

Click for larger photo in separate window ABERYSTWYTH
Town walls 1277 Waliau'r dref

2. 1277-1289Aberystwyth Castle and town walls are built at the cost of
£4,300, a huge sum at this time.

2. 1277-1289Adeiladwyd castell Aberystwyth a waliau'r dref am gost o £4,300,
swm anferth ar y pryd.

Mosaic by 'Canolfan Padarn', Special Needs Unit / Uned Anghenion Arbennig.

Click for larger photo in separate window OWAIN GLYNDWR
Captures the castle 1404-08 cipio'r castell

3. 1404Owain Glyndŵr a descendant of the Princes of Gwynnedd attacks
the small garrison holding Aberystwyth Castle and captures the Castle.
He holds it until 1408.

3. 14041404 Ymosododd Owain Glyndŵr, sef disgynnydd Tywysogion Gwynedd
ar y gwarchodlu bychan a oedd yn dal castell Aberystwyth a chipiodd y Castell.
Daliodd hi tan 1408.

Mosaic by 'The Activity Project Group' (14-25 year olds) Prince of Wales Trust / Y Grŵp Prosiect Gweithgareddau (14-25 oed) Ymddiriedolaeth Tywysog Cymru.

Click for larger photo in separate window OWAIN GLYNDWR
Treaty with France 1405 Cytundeb gyda Ffrainc

4. 1405Owain Glyndŵr signs a treaty with the King of France at
Aberystwyth Castle.

4. 1405Owain Glyndŵr yn arwyddo cytundeb gyda Brenin Ffrainc
yng Nghastell Aberystwyth.

Mosaic by 'Llwyn yr Eos, Penparcau' Out of School Club (3-11 year olds) / Clwb y Tu Allan i Oriau Ysgol (3-11 oed).

Click for larger photo in separate window WALES CYMRU
Royal Mint Charles 1 1637 Bathdy Brenhinol Siarl 1

5. 1637Thomas Bushel obtains a licence from King Charles I to mint
coins made of local silver at Aberystwyth Castle. The Castle is held
for the King.

5. 1637Thomas Bushel yn cael trwydded oddi wrth y Brenin Siarl I i fathu
arian a wnaethpwyd o arian lleol, yng Nghastell Aberystwyth. Delir y
Castell ar gyfer y Brenin.

Mosaic by Cardiganshire Arts Society / Cymdeithas Gelf Ceredigion.

Click for larger photo in separate window CIVIL WAR RHYFEL CARTREF
Parliament? King? 1644-49 Senedd? Brenin?

6. 1644Civil War results in Cromwell's army besieging the Castle. It was
destroyed on his orders in 1649.

6. 1644Rhyfel Cartref yn golygu fod byddin Cromwell yn rhoi gwarchae ar
y Castell a dinistriwyd hi yn 1649.

Mosaic by 'dim prob', Student Volunteers / Myfyrwyr yn Gwirfoddoli.

Click for larger photo in separate window ABERYSTWYTH
Romantic Wales 1740 Cymru rhamantaidd

7. 1740Some of the earliest 'tourists' arrive in Aberystwyth and view
the Castle as a romantic ruin.

7. 1740Rhai o'r "teithwyr" cynharaf yn cyrraedd Aberystwyth ac yn
ystyried y Castell yn adfail rhamantaidd.

Mosaic by Aberystwyth Day Centre / Canolfan Dydd Aberystwyth.

Click for larger photo in separate window EISTEDDFOD
Is There Peace? 1916 1952 1992 A oes Heddych?

8. 1915The Welsh National Eisteddfod place the 13 Gorsedd stones in the
centre of Aberystwyth Castle, one stone from each country.

8. 1915Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru yn gosod 13 o gerrig yr Orsedd yng
nghanol Castell Aberystwyth, un garreg o bob sir.

Mosaic by 'Open Access Group' Ceredigion Museum / 'Grŵp Agored', Amgueddfa Ceredigion.

Click for larger photo in separate window AMGUEDDFA CEREDIGION MUSEUM
Skeleton found in castle 1988 sgerbwd yn y casgell

9. 1988A skeleton is dug up in the Castle and is exhibited at
Ceredigion Museum.

9. 1988Sgerbwd yn cael ei ddatgladdu yn y Castell ac yn cael ei arddangos
yn Amgueddfa Ceredigion ger llaw.

Mosaic by Young Archaeology Club, Ceredigion Museum / Grŵp Archaeologwyr Ifanc, Amgueddfa Ceredigion.

Click for larger photo in separate window AMGUEDDFA CEREDIGION MUSEUM
War and Peace at the Castle 2006 Rhyfel ac Heddwch y Castell

Information sign - not a mosaic!


The panels were exhibited in the Ceredigion Museum from 2 September to 28 October 2006. From the Ceredigion website:
This exhibition is the culmination of two years work by a large number of local groups to make a series of mosaics highlighting aspects of the history of Aberystwyth Castle. The project was lead by Pod Clare and designed and coordinated by Stuart Evans. The mosaics may now be seen on the wall surrounding Castle Point from the Promenade. …

A project devised and implemented by Ceredigion Museum has won two major awards for the outstanding way it informs and involves the public. Stuart Evans, from Ceredigion Museum and Pod Clare, Community Artist who worked with nine local community groups to design and make decorative panels for the promenade at Aberystwyth were thrilled to be recognised in this way for the work which took two years to complete.

The project won the British Heritage Award 2007.


Sources & Information


  • Bushel, Thomas
  • Charles I (King of England)
  • Clare, Pod
  • Edward I (King of England)
  • Evans, Stuart
  • Mason
  • Monarch
  • Mosaic
  • Owain Glyndwr
  • Ship / boat
  • Skeleton
  • Locatie (N 52°24'50" - W 4°5'28") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

    Item Code: gbwa090; Photograph: 27 July 2012
    Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
    If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
    © Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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