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The Square

Henry Richard

Tregaron 1812 - Treborth, nr. Bangor 1888
Congregational minister and Welsh Member of Parliament
Secretary of the Peace Union, 1848-1884
Albert Toft

Tregaron /  Henry Richard   Tregaron /  Henry Richard


Bronze statue of Henry Richard in frock coat, poised as if about to speak, holding a sheaf of papers headed PEACE in his right hand. His left arm flexed with hand holding 'pince-nez'.


ganwyd ebrill 3, 1812
bu farw awst 28, 1888
Henry Richard
Born 3 April 1812
Died 28 August 1888

ganwyd yma yn nhregaron addysgwyd ef i'r weinidogaeth
gristnogol ac yn 1835 ordeiniwyd ef yn llundain yn 1848
apwyntiwyd ef yn ysgrifennydd i'r gymdeithas heddwch ac
enillodd fri rhyngwladol fel "apostol heddwch." yn 1868 daeth
yn a.s dros etholaeth merthyr. ac oherwydd ei sel dros
faterion cymreig fe'i adwaenwyd fel "yr aelod dros gymru."
roedd hefyd yn arloeswr blaenllaw ym myd addysg.
gwasanaethodd ar amryw gomisiwn ymholi ac yn 1883 daeth
yn is-lywydd cyntaf coleg prifysgol caerdydd.
"cedwais dri pheth mewn cof yn barhaus: peidio anghofio
iaith fy ngwlad: a phobl ac achos fy ngwlad a pheidio
esgeuluso unrhyw gyfle i amddiffyn cymeriad a hyrwyddo
buddiannau fy ngwlad."
"gorwedd fy ngobeithion am ddifodiant y gyfundrefn
ryfel yn argyhoeddiad barhaus y bobl yn hytrach nag
ym mholisiau cabinet a thrafodaethau senedd."
born here in tregaron, he was educated for the christian ministry, and in
1835 he was ordained in london. in 1848 he was appointed secretary to the
peace society. gaining an international reputation as "the apostle of peace."
in 1868 he became m.p. for the merthyr constituency: and such was his concern
for welsh affairs that he became known as "the member for wales." he was
also a prominent pioneer in education: he served on several commissions of
enquiry, and in 1883 he became the first vice-president of cardiff university
"i have always been mindful of three things: not to forget the language of
my country: and the people and cause of my country: and to neglect no
opportunity of defending the character and promoting the interests of
my country."
"my hope for the abatement of the war system lies in permanent conviction
of the people, rather than the policies of cabinets or the discussions of

Signed: albert toft Sc. 1893

Tregaron / Henry Richard


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 52°13'10" - W 3°55'58") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbwa081; Photograph: 27 July 2012
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
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© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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