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Statues - Hither & Thither

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Newport - Casnewydd
Newport - Casnewydd (city)


Bridge Street

Sir Charles Morgan

Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Charles Gould Morgan, 2nd Baronet
1760 - 1846
Welsh soldier and politician, the MP for Brecon (1787-1796) and County of Monmouth (1796-1831)
John Evan Thomas

Newport - Casnewydd /  Sir Charles Morgan   Newport - Casnewydd /  Sir Charles Morgan


Bronze statue of the informally seated Morgan with classical figures to sides of chair and coat of arms to back.

Newport - Casnewydd / Sir Charles Morgan Newport - Casnewydd / Sir Charles Morgan Newport - Casnewydd / Sir Charles Morgan


this statue was returned to the
town centre in may 1992

a time capsule was buried
in the plinth by
cllr. harry williams
mayor 1991 - 1992

the statue was unveiled by
cllr. alan perry
mayor 1992 - 1993

this memorial was erected a.d. 1850
by the friends of the late
sir charles morgan of tredegar baronet
in testimony of their attachment to the man
whose benevolence they admired
and whose loss they deplore
syr charles morgan o dredegar barwnad
ganwyd ef chwefrob 4dd 1760
bu farw rhagfyr 5d 1846
hyd y mae iaith gymraeg
hardd ifor pery dy clod
medd? dafydd ap gwilym
bardd i'r ifor hael ... xiv

Translation of the Welsh quote:
As far as the Welsh language is [spoken]
Hansome Ifor, continue your praise
said Dafydd ap Gwilym, poet of Ifor the Generous...

Signed: i.e. thomas / sculptor / 1848.


Ifor Hael (Ifor the Generous), the name Dafydd ap Gwylliam gave to his patron Ifor ap Llewelyn. He wrote for him "As long as the Welsh language continues your praise will be sung." The Morgans of Tredegar were descendants of Ifor.


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 51°35'16" - W 2°59'49") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbwa008; Photograph: 23 July 2012
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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