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Statues - Hither & Thither

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South West England

Bath Street

King Edgar and King Cole

Edgar (c. 943 - 975), known as the Peaceful or the Peaceable, King of England, 959-975 (Wikipedia).
King Cole, from the British nursery rhyme first attested in 1708. It is unlikely that he can be identified reliably as any historical figure (Wikipedia).
Medieval artist
15th century?

Bath /  King Edgar and King Cole   Bath /  King Edgar and King Cole


Two weathered statues in niches. Description from the websites Cotswolds.info and that of Laurence Tindall, who conserved the statues in 1983:
The sculptures stylistically appear to be 15th century and depict King Edgar and king Cole of the nursery rhyme fame. Cole was the first English king to reside in Bath after its restoration under Agricola, he began his reign in AD125.* Edgar, shown in armour, was crowned in the Abbey Church, King of England 11th May AD 973. They may have been placed on the earlier thirteenth century bridge fortifications but the first known siting is on the north face of Inigo Jones' Town Hall of 1625 and then on the old Guildhall. They were removed when building work started on the new Guildhall (Atwood, architect) in 1766. They arrived in Bath street along with a seated figure placed in a niche on the south face of the building which was the City museum at that time. The third figure collapsed in the 1960s as reported in the Bath Chronicle and now it's niche is covered by the new Spa building.
* This refers to Coel Hen, a circa 4th century leader in Roman or Sub-Roman Britain (Wikipedia). King Edgar King Cole


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 51°22'50" - W 2°21'40") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbsw084; Photograph: 22 March 2019
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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