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King Bladud and the PigBladud or Blaiddyd is a legendary king of the Britons and founder or the city of Bath in the sixth or eighth century BC(Wikipedia) |
Nigel Bryant & Stefano Pieroni
1859 and 2009 |
Stone statue of Prince Bladud, by Pierone dating from 1859 (as part of a fountain), accompanied by a pig by Bryant, dating from 2009 and based on an original by Alan Dun.
The legend is: He is said to have founded the city of Bath because while he was in Athens he contracted leprosy, and when he returned home he was imprisoned as a result, but escaped and went far off to go into hiding. He found employment as a swineherd at Swainswick, about two miles from the later site of Bath, and noticed that his pigs would go into an alder-moor in cold weather and return covered in black mud. He found that the mud was warm, and that they did it to enjoy the heat. He also noticed that the pigs which did this did not suffer from skin diseases as others did, and on trying the mud bath himself found that he was cured of his leprosy. He was then restored to his position as heir-apparent to his father, and founded Bath so that others might also benefit as he had done.
Prince Bladud Who when cast out by his father herded swine, was cured of illness by the hot waters and on becoming King founded Bath. Pig by Nigel Bryant 2009, after an original sculpture by Alan Dun. Prince Bladud by Stephano Pieroni 1859. Displayed here by King Bladud's Pigs Public Art Project 2009 and Bath & North East Somerset Council |
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