United Kingdom

Statues - Hither & Thither

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South West England

Parade Gardens

The Angel of Peace - King Edward VII Memorial

London 1841 - London 1910
King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India, 1901-1910
Newbury Trent

Bath /  The Angel of Peace - King Edward VII Memorial   Bath /  The Angel of Peace - King Edward VII Memorial


Bronze statue of the angel of peace holding in one hand an olive branch (the symbol of peace) and in the other an orb (the emblem of sovereignty). It stands on a column with a bronze portrait medaillon of King Edward VII in a laurel wreath.

Bath - The Angel of Peace - King Edward VII Memorial


erected by
the citizens of bath
in memory of
edward the peacemaker


(portrait medaillon) n.a. trent

Bath - The Angel of Peace - King Edward VII Memorial


Sources & Information


Locatie (N 51°22'54" - W 2°21'26") (Satellite view: Google Maps)

Item Code: gbsw072; Photograph: 22 March 2019
Of each statue we made photos from various angles and also detail photos of the various texts.
If you want to use photos, please contact us via the contact form (in Dutch, English or German).
© Website and photos: René & Peter van der Krogt

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